Yes - please apply diversity colors. Leave one cube white - the piece that needs to be filled.
Also, please apply grey to Talent Optimizer - leave space between words. Use the green shade applied in diversity color palette.
Hi, I would like for you to create icons, using squares, perhaps using a cube shape. I like the word layout style, with lines and word group holding up Talent Optimizer. I'm also curious to see what the individual squares would look like using the D&I colors.
Many thanks for Your kindness, It's really helped me.
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
Once again, many thanks for Your patience.
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Please let me know.
Please let me know.
Many thanks for Your patience
Also, please apply grey to Talent Optimizer - leave space between words. Use the green shade applied in diversity color palette.
and please let me know about what You mean with D&I color?
Many thanks for Your kindness
Apologize for late.
I just arrive at home.
Yes, i'll do it now.
Many thanks for your patience.
Feel free if You have any suggestions, revisions or anything, Please let me know. It will be my pleasure to work it.
Once again, many thanks for Your patience.