Hello and thank you for your interest in helping me find a wonderful logo! I like this design very much and your customized lettering is lovely! I enjoy the flow and movement it implies. I have a few suggestions to make, and see your submission as a real possibility.
1) Perhaps I could see "stems" in a different color: rich purple or bright blue.
2) "floral design" font in italics without the straight lines on either side.
3) the center of the two yellow flowers with a brightly colored center (so they look less like traditional
4) a more fushia or hot pink color for the two pinkish red flowers next to end of crossed "t" and in curve
of ending "s".
5) leaf accents in a brighter green.
...I guess you may also need to change the purple flower to another color if the font is done in bright purple (for additional contrast)...perhaps bright orange or fushia?...
I hope this doesn't offend you... seems like a lot of changes. I really want the logo to be bright, lively, and vibrantly colored! If you are in Romania, then English is probably not your first language? You must be brilliant to have been able to overcome the language barrier! I think few things would be harder to learn than the subtleties of words applied to art, color, design, etc! I wouldn't bother you if I wasn't drawn to your basic design... Thank You Ever So for your time and creative efforts! I look forward to any changes you decide to submit!