THANK YOU, for all your hard work, i am truly truly truly grateful.
I realized that the "S" is not right in the winning design, please make sure your final uploads are with the new, clearer "S".
I like the splatter in #411 as well as
#432 + #438, can you please upload final versions of both?
for your final submission, please give me 4 color versions (black/white, yellow/black, orange/black, blue/green) of the following:
1. Caveman face w/ ONLY the headphones, hand + hammer, top egg shell + small drool like #411, nothing else. (no bottom egg shell, surrounding egg, "SLEEPER" lettering, splatter, or headphone cord)
2. Caveman face w/ everything, EXCEPT "SLEEPER" lettering, headphone cord + splatter.
3. Caveman face w/ everything, EXCEPT "SLEEPER" lettering + splatter.
4. Full design with everything but with the older, SIMPLE splatter, like #411 background/splatter.
5. Full design with everything. (full, crazy, new splatter)
6. "SLEEPER" lettering w/ background/splatter
7. "SLEEPER" lettering ONLY. No background/splatter.
4 colors of each would be awesome, thank you again and again and again. Please make sure that the "S" is the new "S". + all the eyes are the same thickness as
#432 + #438
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.