#274 - Thank you. We are very happy with this one, and now that we are deciding, would like just a couple of last tweaks:
• For the colors, we'd like this logo to "look good" next to our "sister logo" - called "Caring Solutions" (see "
http://caringsolutionspregnancycenter.com"). We like the blue and grey, but they may just need to be adjusted slightly in order to cooperate with the green and grey in this other logo. The colors in the "Caring Solutions" logo are: Green: 43-0-34-0 (CMYK) & Grey: 49-32-37-1 (CMYK).
So again, keep the blue and gray but maybe look at the two sets together to tone the blue down a bit and darken the gray to the point where it does not clash with this other logo/color set.
• The second tweak is in the letter spacing. For the top line "Sav A Life", can we see it with the words pushed just a little closer to one another? The space feels a little wide at the moment.
That's it. Thanks!