Red Cedar ResidentialLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Red Cedar Residential

Red Cedar Residential has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 266 designs from 47 different designers from around the world.


Can you do the font and color in example #49.
11 years ago
And remove the line.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes. That won't be a problem. Although you are in judging mode and only the 1st ranked design and submit designs. Let me know how I can help.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
If you were to move my design to the 1st spot I can have those uploads for you shortly.
11 years ago
Just changed. Thanks,
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know what you think of #259
11 years ago
Can you make the Residential text smaller and slightly indented like like #49.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. #262
11 years ago
Can you also make it dark gray.
11 years ago
sorry. a little lighter.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No worries. Do you want the shadow of the tree to be the same light gray as "residential" ?
11 years ago
Hi Brian,

Unfortunately, we have a bit of a problem. Please click the link below.

The link is of a real estate company that works in one of our markets with an extremely similar name and now an extremely similar logo. The name of the company is not the issue as companies in real estate typically have similar names, but we cannot have that similar of a logo. We need to come up with some different designs. We will also need to get rid of the color. We are thinking something neutral gray, cream, brown, dark green, etc. Also, the name red cedar is in reference to the river at Michigan State University where all of the partners of the brokerage attended. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
I think the tree is ok. I mean they're both called "Red Cedar" and both use an illustration of a cedar tree. The illustrations are quite different as far as trees in logos are concerned. The one in the link is more of an abstract mark using a squiggly line, where we used a more realistic rendering.

I think the just changing the changing the font and altering the layout will differentiate them enough that they could not be mistaken for the other.

It's probably easiest if I email you some font and layout options to you directly. That way I can place them all on one slide and you can view them all together , rather than fragmented here on LT. It also makes things more efficient on my end because I won't have to save and upload 15 different variations :) .

Shoot me an email to and I can have the revisions to you today.

11 years ago
Hey Brian,

Just sent you an email.

11 years ago
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