Premier Chiropractic SpecialistsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Premier Chiropractic Specialists

Premier Chiropractic Specialists has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 181 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.


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We like the setup on the lettering. Not really wild about the font or the running mans symbol. Try to use more color. I like the entry #7 with all the colors. So a more sporty font, different symbols, and try to use colors.
Thanks so much.
Trying to give as much feedback as possible to help us get to a winning combination.
11 years ago
I'd like to see a brighter more vibrant color scheme as well
Thanks for everything
11 years ago
Also like entry number 3 in that it has a more modern feel. Try more abstract modern sporty designs.
11 years ago
Maybe a more masculine symbol. I like the design of the one in the reference website. It's a little more athletic and masculine. and more usage of the vibrant color scheme.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #13 - hope you like this icon - i will fix the font soon ; will try and identify the fairfield font and use it later
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #14 - same font as in the fairfield font
11 years ago
Like the font. Try it with only two lines. PremierChiropracticSpecialists on one line with no spaces, then slogan under neath. Still not wild about the character and I like the colors of #13. try adding some depth to the lettering with shadows or glows or 3D effects. I like the orange of #14 with a more royal blue and lime green.
Alot closer now...that's then reason for all the feedback.
11 years ago
I like 15 lettering and really close on colors. Add some orange and a better character. Activity athleticism and modern for the character. Try closer to the example character. Alot closer, we are getting there...
11 years ago
And bold the under lettering on 15
11 years ago
Also try swapping 15 green out with the orange on 14. I would like to see that color combo.
11 years ago
I like the idea of playing with the lettering and shading so keep that up.
11 years ago
I like the font effects to enhance the look of the lettering.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #16 - uses the same font as in the sample 28 - its a wide font and with all text is a single line, reflections isnt possible, esp when you have the tag line below - but i can try another font without a tagline and with reflections

And am sorry am not able to understand your comments ofr entry #15

Ps : 7 am here and i havnt slept yet - got to travel in just a while, will do any further changes during my next login - hope you understand
11 years ago
Get some sleep we can continue tomorrow. Sorry didn't realize the time difference.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #17 -
Absolutely fine, i do work based on your time zone + my time too
11 years ago
Try to use the blue and orange and gray color scheme of the Boise state football uniforms from the link I posted.on the main comment page. Use that color scheme for #15 and then all we a better character. The lime green is optional so use it only if you think it needs it. You are really close if we do that.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #35 Entry #36 with the colors revised

As for the font please visit and type in your firm name as sample text and you can see a preview of all the fonts styles for the text - and let me know a couple of fonts you like - i should be having most of the popular fonts

But make sure you give me a few choice and they arent too latest a font
11 years ago
I like the font of 36 and 15 keep those fonts. Try updating colors to match the ones referenced on the main comment page about Boise state football uniforms. Check that link for a picture of the color scheme. Don't like the symbols or characters. Try to find something a little more similar to what I have on the reference in the briefing. I like the layout of my top two choices. Keep trying. Use the color scheme provided on the main page comments, a different character, and keep the font from 36 and 15.
11 years ago
Your font and the font from number 34 are my favorite fonts so far. So try to use one of those fonts.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #163 - another try from me
11 years ago
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