Picky RickyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Picky Ricky

Picky Ricky has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 266 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Allow users to compare prices from trustworthy online stores.
Color Preferences
No preferences that I know of. It really depends on how everything comes together in logo. Logo needs to have a polished feel - it's hard to balance fun and sophisticated at the same time but that would be ideal.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Ideally, company name should be present in logo but it is not necessary as long as the 3 key messages are conveyed. Of the wordmark examples, the only one I like is amazon because the company name is not just being stylized but used to convey that Amazon has everything from A to Z.

I would like to emphasize that I am NOT looking to convey that Picky Ricky rhymes or that Picky Ricky are spelled almost the same.


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Entry Number
















































Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.
1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next >


Thank you all (#1 - #4) very much for your entries!
#4 I agree with your comment but my initial reaction is it's a little hard to read.
#3 I think you've hit the bullseye on "Logo needs to have a polished feel - it's hard to balance fun and sophisticated at the same time but that would be ideal. Ideally, company name should be present in logo but it is not necessary as long as the 3 key messages are conveyed. Of the wordmark examples, the only one I like is amazon because the company name is not just being stylized but used to convey that Amazon has everything from A to Z. "

Of the top 3 things I'd like to communicate through the logo:
-I think you've hit on #3 and #2 (as they are similar to what I mentioned in the above paragraph).
-I think you're close on #1. You've demonstrated the picky aspect, but not necessarily the comparison aspect. What's also not clear through the logo is what are we picky about? In this case, we are about prices and stores.

I love the simplicity of the logo (and the beautiful lines in the logo) so please don't lose that or clutter it in a future revision.
15 years ago
#5 just came in - thank you! I like the simplicity but please take a look at my comments for #3. My initial reaction to yours is that it looks too much like a Duracell battery (so it doesn't look bad, but is too closely associated with other well known brands)
15 years ago
Thanks for entries #9 - #15.
@babo - #9 & #10 don't seem to reflect my comments above. You have a winner in #3 -- I would stick to it and incorporate the tag idea in #8. If you need clarification, please private mail me.
@scave - I like the tag idea. I think the logos have a heavy feel because of the solid colors, so in that respect I like how #3 feels much cleaner and lighter.
@all - I really like the creativity that has come forth but in the interest of time/energy/direction I will throw out an idea that has come to me after seeing the entries thus far. I think we should make (some or all?) of the letters sit inside tags - that would connote the multiple/comparison aspect. Then one of the letters could be singled out, just like the 'k' in Picky in #3 to connote the picking out aspect.

Which letters should sit inside tags? I think having all of them would make the logo look heavy. So should they alternate from all the letters in "Picky Ricky"? Or should it just be the letters in "Picky"?

As a forewarning, I'm afraid that even a single tag could make the logo look heavy (or unsophisticated) so I think the orientation, color and transparency of the tags will be important.
15 years ago
Or instead of having the letters sit inside of individual tags maybe they could hang off one or more of the letters kind of like fabric swaths or those color wheels.

Again, please use your creativity and judgment.
*My ideas are NOT, I repeat !NOT!, specs.
*But my stylistic /comments/ reflect my preferences.

Thanks again to everyone for your time and energy.
15 years ago
Thank you for entries #16 - #18. I appreciated how #18 was an interesting tag because the hole was not in the middle of the tag but it needs to convey the top 3 things as mentioned in the brief.
15 years ago
Thank you for entries #19 - #26
15 years ago
Thank you wallendiaz for entries #27 - #30 and for your previous efforts. I was glad to see #27 and #30 and this is what I like about them:
-the clean lines convey the sense of quality that I am seeking from #2 in the contest brief.
-they are both fun and meet criteria #3 in the brief.

-versus #8, your logo is not as heavy looking so that's good
-versus #3, i don't know what it is but i like the colors in #3 better. I don't know if it's because pastel blue and pastel green are close colors or if it's because the pastels give the logo a softer feel. I also want to point out that #3 has a nice rounded font for "Picky" which gives the logo a softer feel. The width of the font in #3 also gives the logo a slightly more masculine feel than the font you are using.

I wasn't sure what the broken k in Picky was trying to convey but it doesn't look bad. Could you try to see if we could achieve for the #1 requirement in the contest brief (the comparison/empowerment aspect)? Here's another idea I had to try to convey that: What if we used fingers to illustrate someone picking a tag out of several? What if the fingers formed the P? Would this look cheesy, gawdy or not serious? Again, NOT specs but ideas for everyone to see if it sparks a vision.
15 years ago
Thank you for entries #31 - #32. I found #32 to be simple, elegant so it addresses point 2 in the contest brief. I did have to squint to read the words because I think the blue is a little too bright in combination with the thin font weight.
15 years ago
Logo Designer

Thanks for your feedback, I just thought I would let you know you can leave specific feedback if you would like by clicking on the specific logo, it is generally the place designers look for feedback and also leave feedback about their designs. Can be handy when things heat up towards the end.

Good Luck!! ;)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your feedback..
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH,
Its in your best interest to rank as many designs as possible as this will greatly increase the number of designers who enter your contest.
see :https://logotournament.com/forum/general_discussion/914
for more info.
15 years ago
Hello everyone!

First of all thank you for entries #33 - #43.

Secondly, thanks to bugy for your comment. I actually did read that before you posted it but I know most CHs would not bother to read the forums so thanks for being proactive.

Thirdly, I ranked every designer (not every entry) whose entry wasn't withdrawn and sent a comment to them. If I somehow missed you, please let me know and I will correct.

Fourthly, I don't have access to the designer forums so I apologize if I am preaching to the choir but if points from the contests are so important to the designers then they should request the following changes from LT:
i. at least one entry from a designer cannot be withdrawn. that way a designer can be ranked and get points. and since LT shows the number of contests a designer enters, it is a disincentive for newbie designers to enter contests just to earn points because everyone can see that they are just entering contests and not winning them.
ii. LT should just award points even to the not interested ones to save CHs from having to rank at least one entry from each designer, since effectively that is what is happening anyway. (limited to 1 point/designer not per entry)
iii. designers should be forced to comment on how their entry addresses the top 3 requirements in the contest brief. While designers may think it is obvious, it's not obvious to the CH and that's why CHs mark entries as not interested. So I know this places even more work on the designers but at least there isn't a communication gap and designers will probably get more responses to their entries. Because from a CH perspective, they have spent the time to think about their logo and when they get a logo that doesn't address the brief, at least they know what the designer was thinking and won't feel like "have i been talking to myself?"

Fifthly, thanks to LT for coming up with this amazing site! (Search features would be nice!)
15 years ago
I updated the contest brief but I will post it here as well
"I would like to emphasize that I am NOT looking to convey that Picky Ricky rhymes or that Picky Ricky are spelled almost the same."
15 years ago
I generally prefer to leave feedback on the contest page so that every designer can see all the positive feedback.

I ranked #43 in first place today because it's similar to #3. I am conveying that directionally that is how I would like to nudge the entries.

Contest Brief:
1. Comparison - I like how #43 is using multiple tags to convey comparison.
2. Quality - I like how the tags are simple rectangles with the sharp corners softened. It conveys attention to detail/quality. I think grey is not a strong/quality color.
3. Ease of use - I think #3 is easier on the eyes because there are less things going on.
15 years ago
Thank you #44. It is very pleasing. It addresses comparison, looks polished and is simple.
15 years ago
Thank you for #45! I like it. I wanted to mention for #44 and #45 to make the logo even simpler, similar to my comments for #43, do we need the circular thread? Will people know they are tags without them? And if we do need a thread so they don't just look like blocks, could it just be a line or a thread like #3?

Do we even need tags? What if some of the letters had holes in them like #3? A hole clearly conveys that something goes through it and might it be sufficient to have just one of the letters have a thread to convey that it was the chosen one out of the comparison?

Just throwing out ideas.
15 years ago
Thanks for #46 - #48
@lgdesign - i forgot to mention, please be careful. i like #45 and #47 but am concerned it looks too similar to http://www.dunkindonuts.com/ when Picky Ricky are stacked on top of each other. As such, it won't win the contest but I do like it.
@seanestrada - i like #48 but it is too busy. Please see my comments for #43. Too busy not equal to "ease of use".
#46 is very original
1. Comparison - accomplished through the use of multiple cent signs. one is clearly singled out. unfortunately, it's the biggest one and the goal of comparison shopping is to choose the smallest amount of money (cheapest one).
2. Quality - excellent use of grey. My biggest concern with this logo is are we conveying that the website is serious enough? It's clearly a fun website but is it at the sacrifice of other things, like quality (completeness and thoroughness of quality stores on website, because without completeness, you won't get the lowest price)?
3. Ease of use - Do both the c's have to have to be changed? Clever dotting the i with the cent symbol! I still would look at simplifying the number of changes. Does the c in Picky have to be a different font size?
15 years ago
Thanks for #49 - #50 Sean. Please dot the second i normally. And then could you create another variation please where you use the fonts and color of #3. That may be the new first place.
15 years ago
Logo Designer

Though you have stated that you want to leave all feedback here...however this area is designated for general observations or briefing update..if browse other contest you'll see this and you will see MODs who have removed comments not appropriate for this section.

I prefer not remove all you posts, however I urge you to make all further comments about designs to each designers page...in addition it is unethical for your you to ask other designers to copy/use another designer artwork. The rules apply to all CH (contest holders)

Designers are not allowed to use objects or layouts form other designers those designs can be removed.
We as Mods never want to do this but we will enforce the policies set forth by Logo Tournament.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter

EastCoast creative
Designer/Logo Tourmment Moderator
15 years ago
Hi Scott,

Thanks for the heads up. While I disagree about the efficiency of leaving ALL comments on each designers page, I can accept/abide by that.

Fonts, colors, abstract concepts and linear layouts are too generic to be proprietary in my opinion. But I can abide by the terms of the site given your clarification, by withholding my requests to copy fonts and colors moving forward.

The no copying rhetoric is really just one implementation to solve the fairness problem. I would suggest that in order to be truly fair to all designers, the prize money should be awarded the way the points are up to the top 3 DESIGNERS (not entries), with CHs being allowed to use their discretion to distribute the remaining 20% as they see fit.

15 years ago
Logo Designer

you can rank as you see fit, however the MODs have work hard to provide a reasonable explanation to the ranking system...in a nut shell. The top 4 spots should be assigned to different designers..reason being is we work hard for you and for no money unless we win.

You can acknowledge that fact we and show your appreciation by ranking at least the top 4 to different designers. Even though me may not win..the points and awards a bonus incentive

Hope this helps

15 years ago
So another idea (or "object" as EastCoast would say) that I came up with that is fair game for all designers to use is the scales (like in the scales of justice) to convey a decision that needs to happen between two choices. This would address point 1 of the contest brief.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I would just like to comment on EastCoast Creative's comments, they are views that he has not rules, myself and other designers think designs should be ranked per concept not designer, if one designer enters three separate concepts that are your favored choices then you should be able to rank them 1,2,3 as the designer has put the effort into gain these rankings. In my opinion it keeps things professional and puts the top unique designs in there deserved spots.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
well said Aus
15 years ago
i agree, what i really meant to say was designer/entry combination.

as you can see, that's why you (ausmedia) have spots 2 & 3 and wuteva has spots 9 & 10
15 years ago
thank you all very, very much. there were a lot of beautiful entries and the choice was difficult at the end. it was a pleasure working with you all and i hope to work with you all again in the near future.
15 years ago
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