PetalConnection.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 167 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.




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#66 and #69 are so beautiful! so simple and elegant. everything we're looking for except the font... It's a little bit too curvy and hand-written looking. Could you possibly change it to something more straight-edged and modern? Thank you!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback and ranking!

I'll be happy to make any requested revisions as the contest progresses.

-- Laura
12 years ago
#72 Thank you Laura! Confused by the white hash marks inside the "leaves" - some of the leaves don't seem to be going in the same direction.. not sure how to explain myself properly.... looking at the center of the butterfly, the white lines don't head out harmoniously? Not sure....
like the colors.
the butterflies anntennae are both curling the same direction, as if he got mangled on the windshield.. hah.
the "grow bloom wear" should all be in one color though, too many colors going on.
Overall, would like to see more of "flower" with a hint of butterfly, rather than the other way around.
12 years ago
Hi Laura!!!! thank you for some great designs!!
don't care for the speckled filter.... BUT:

#119 is leading, with the following notes:
the "grow bloom wear" text should line up with the other text
the butterfly's antennae should curl outwards, not inwards :-)
prefer each leaf to be solid color, like in #72
something funny going on with the placement of the red (top right) leaf of the logo - it looks like it has larger white space in the center than the other leaves, especially when you "squint" at the whole logo from a distance. Am I making sense...?
also, might look better if all the white lines inside the leaves came out of the center - you know - started out from the middle?

after this, would love to see a variation, where you insert a center into the butterfly like a flower, as in #117 (speckled or not speckled, I don't know.... see both?)
12 years ago
#119 sorry one more note - can you tone down the green in this one - the color scheme is better and more earthy/organic in the others, this green is too... artificial? poisonous? :-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Thanks for the feedback!
I'll adjust that green for you.

-- Laura
12 years ago
oh no oh no! put it back! lol

Laura, keep the butterfly shape from #119.

curl his antennae outwards. it's much cuter. he's cross-eyed right now :-)
put "grow bloom wear" under "Connection
don't varigate the color on the leaves, make them solid, like in.... #72
don't like the new font colors, very... pukey?
You're in USA, so you know what that means... lol.. I've been corresponding with designers around the globe it seems, and my Turkish and Ukrainian are somewhat fault entirely
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll work on new feedback now. :)


-- Laura
12 years ago
#128 #129 only the color scheme changed, both are kind of busy... would prefer less colors......
ok I'll leave you alone for a while... ;-)
12 years ago
#131 (the new finalist)
the starting point of the butterfly antennea where it comes out of the body should be sharp (pointed like in #119), not rounded.
like the new deeper green, check
like the biggest leaf to be green, but then not sure the next one should be green also.
I still think there is something off in the top right leaf having too much white space when looked as a whole. Would prefer the white hashmarks coming out of the center of the leaves.
too many colors still, don't think we should have 3 different colors just inside the name?

Should the vertical line go as well, that's kind of separating the text from the logo? if so, then the "grow bloom wear" needs to line up better with the text, it looks off

could the font be a little more "beefy" - heavier, without changing the font face.

I am trying to concentrate just on one design, and giving you notes there, so that we're not working on multiple versions anymore. is that correct?
I'm pretty certain this is going to be the one, so I really want to get it right :-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I don't mind continuing to work on it with you.

I do have to leave the office for a little while now, but I'll be back later this afternoon and evening.


-- Laura
12 years ago
#132 moves to the front of the pack :-)
like the new centralized white hashmarks.

did you try to put a flower "center" like in #117, or did it just look crummy? You don't have to post that version, just wondering

so I'm making comments ONLY about #132 now.
love the heavier PETAL. but "connection" now looks skimpy? can it fatten up a touch, and get a darker version of the color?
nudge "grow bloom wear" up a teensy bit?

our fav color to use was a brown, and we've kind of lost that altogether here. can we try the text in a dark brown?

still not liking the green leaves next to each other. keeping the big one green, can we make the one that's red green (so the greens are across from each other)?

and also switch the other two, diagonally - i.e. make the smaller one (bottom right) the beige, and the top left (larger) red now.
to recap, clockwise from 10 am:
red, green, beige (or try brown), green.


12 years ago
#131 #132
i am kind of torn on the font weight of the new finalist...
can we back up to something in between the two?
i just realized that it will be impossible to do a font heavy enough on "connection" so they match from a distance.... so we probably need to lighten up the weight on #132....
12 years ago
#142 Laura I'm hoping you'll be able to review my comments posted above in reference to #131 and #132, specifically at 4:17 pm and 4:30 pm my time......
12 years ago
#155 top right green leaf -> change to brown
grow bloom wear change to same brown
thinner line-weight on "petal" font, in between previous submission and this one
12 years ago
#162 that's the one, we can end this early now :-) Thank you Laura!!!!
so we'll get all the files, including the .psd, as well as the font name, correct?
how can I get in touch with you in the future? can you drop me an email via our website with your contact info, or do you only work through this site?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
The winner will upload a lower res jpeg and eps file through the site. To release funds you review and approve those. I can't remember which other formats you are entitled to under the contract, but most of us will send you pretty much any file format we can think of that you might need. Those are sent via email (our contact info is in the final contract we all receive after a contest) and, no, I don't only work through this site. :) Most of us are thrilled to find clients here who want to continue the working relationship after the contest.


-- Laura
12 years ago
okie doke, it's done. Congrats and thank you!
we'd love a psd file please - the first project I need to put this on will be a vertical poster, so I'll have move the logo above the text. is there a suggested size ratio I should use when I do that, or just keep it the way it is?
12 years ago
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