PendaLight ProductionsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / PendaLight Productions

PendaLight Productions has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 397 designs from 44 different designers from around the world.






















































































































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Logo Designer
"Hello Concept_One,

I just looked through your portfolio and I love your work! I really like the logos you did for ArtHouse Fusion! I am also a production company. Would you consider submitting something to my logo contest? I'd be honored. I'm very open to creative submissions! I think you have such a creative talent that matches what I'm looking for.

Taryn "

Thank you for your invitation. I am deeply moved by appreciating my concepts. I hope I can content you with your own. For starters here are some draft concepts. It is a draft Wordmark with a sun watermark in different colors.

(This comment references Entry #43, #44, #45, #46)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
New lotus flower concept.

(This comment references Entry #47)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
an abstract lotus

(This comment references Entry #48)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
a draft lotus pod concept. again this are all draft concepts which are for your evaluation. I will move further with the ones you like. Thank you and have a nice day

(This comment references Entry #49)
15 years ago
Wow!!!! These are amazing. How am I ever going to decide???!!! Thank you so much for submitting. Let me look at them some more and provide any feedback. I really love a couple of them!
15 years ago
Hi there,

I just ranked the logos and provided some additional feedback in the general comments section you can look at. I love the color scheme you've chosen and I really love how you've made the logos feel so kissed with light!! Gorgeous! #47 is a really beautiful concept with light coming out of the lotus. It could be the winner, though I think it would look a little better with a different lotus shape. Have you seen the Vietnam Airlines abstract logo? #49 is just clever and beautiful and simple and I really love it. I think it would be worth playing around with the colors and words. I feel like the word 'light' gets a little overshadowed by the big Penda. #48 I love because it's simple, elegant, beautiful and filled with the feeling of love and light. Both #47 and #48 have the same thing where I feel like the word "light' gets lost in the big, bold Penda.

Thanks again for these great logos!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for choosing my concepts as yout top choices. You are right based on your judgement on the colors. Based on your comments on my entries on the Arthouse contest it seems that you like that green hue that is why I used it on my initial entries. =)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #52 - This is a basic lotus abstract that I made. I also made the fonts into one.
Entry #53 - This is a more detailed version of the lotus in #52
Entry #57 - This is my first peacock concept with a new font as you can see its tail is made
out of the same lotus as #53. Thus can also be translated into a sun.
Entry #58 - This is another peacock concept where I used a Sun as its tail. Again new font is used.
Entry #59 - Same as #58 but with different colors and fonts
Entry #60 - This flower is based on the lotus of your liking. As you can see it is a close
ressemblance but was not retraced to avoid copyright issues.. If you dont like the green sun
below it just let me know.
Entry #61 - This is my revision of Entry #48
Entry #62 - is a revision of Entry #49 will play more on this on its color.

Will rest for a while, need to make more concepts if I had the time. I am really enjoying this
contest. I will be with you until the final hours to guide you on your contest. If you have further request I am more than happy to do them for you... Have a nice day!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
Logo Designer
15 years ago
Hi Chris,

Wow! Wow! Wow! I feel like you are channeling the desires in my mind right onto paper (so to speak)! I love, love, love the new stuff you've created! The peacock, lotus, sun concept is completely brilliant (my only feedback on the peacocks are that the eyes seems a little big and alien like). LOVE THOSE!!! I love the new lotus concepts too! My only feedback on the lotus flowers is that for some reason I don't love the spikey green leaves at the bottom. I get the sun reference so on a conceptual level I think it's smart. However somehow the spikey leaves don't seem quite right. But the feeling of sunlight is just gorgeous. You've got great taste in colors and fonts and have made great choices for both in all my favorite logos. Choosing my favorite one is going to be really, really hard.

15 years ago
HI Chris,

I asked a few people about the peacock logo and the feedback I got was "wow - that looks a lot like the NBC logo." Do you think there are any tweaks that could be made so people don't immediately associate it with NBC? Also, all the pink makes it feel a little bit monochromatic as a logo. Maybe there is some other tweak that could add some color to the concept. I really think that one and the lotus light one both have a lot of potential.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there Taryn,

Yes it does look like it as I have said we are still in the early stage of the contest and don't worry about any modifications. Im still studying a new concept that will change everything again including the lotus concepts. I also noticed that others are copying my concepts but thats OK as long as I was the first to think of it. For the meantime I need to sleep. =)

Have a nice day!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

The following are drafts of something ahead of us. I am studying a new concept and
a new color palette for you. Please evaluate the following according to your liking.

Entry #86 - This is the original peacock design but edited so that it will not resemble
the NBC logo. I gave the peacock its crown and faces west. I also made its body smaller.
I also modified the colors to be more vibrant.
Entry #87 - The same with #86 but with a heart and designs on the tail
Entry #88 - This is the basic lotus concept but I moved the sun behind it and gave it
leaves beneath it. I also changed the font to a more feminine type.
Entry #89 - The same with #88 but more colors to it, it gives you the impression of having more
than 3 colors in your logo
Entry #90 - The same with #89 but the color arrangements are different and returned the light
at the center of the logo
Entry #92 & #93 - I tried a different color palette here

If you have time kindly give me your feedback on the new colors and on the peacock concept
so that I could move on further with a new concept that you never seen before. Wherein a peacock faces west and its tail fanning down its body which forms a heart in the middle.

Have a nice day!


15 years ago
Hi Chris,

Love the new concepts!!! I really like the new peacock concepts. I like the face in #86. I also like the textures and hearts in #87. I also like the new lotus concepts. I wasn't crazy about some of the colors in the lotus logos. #52, #53 and #88 are still leaning toward my favorite. I think #88 might be a bit too busy with the leaves and spikes behind the petals. It's also a little big and lost a little bit of a feeling of light to it that the others had. But I do, overall, prefer a softer look for the petals (though I'm not sure we've exactly got it yet). For what it's worth, my mom loves #52 (and she's an artist). This logo has the strongest feeling of light and we both like that. I feel like we are getting close with the lotus....maybe you could try another petal design or two. As for others, I like the more saturated colors in #92 and the subtle outlining (though the word Penda seems to be in a different color that almost makes me wonder if it's a mistake - though I think you did it intentionally). #87 probably has my favorite overall font look/feel just because it's so clean.

Gosh - this is getting hard. I feel like we are close. THANK YOU!!!!!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

Thank you so much for a very detailed feedback and for appreciating all of my hardwork.
The reason that I made several submissions with different colors is to find out which you prefer best and you prefer the least, and yes the color in #92 is intentional to see if you like a darker text vs the icon. I will submit a different petal in the following days I already have one on hand. As I promised I will be with you every step of the way. I am now so focused on this contest. Give my regards to your mom.

Take care!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

How are you today? hope you’re doing just fine. The following are some changes based on your
request. Plus new peacock and petal concepts.

Entry #119 - #131 - Is a revision of #52 where I changed the fonts to your liking and made the color
more saturated plus changing the leaves.
Entry #120 - Is a revision of #88 but i moved the front petal at the back, same with #52
Entry #121 - Is a revision of #92, I also moved the petal here plus changing the fonts
Entry #122 - Is a revision of #61
Entry #123 - A new top view concept
Entry #124 - #125 - Are new peacock concepts where the icon is on the left with the tail fanning down
Entry #126 - #130 - This is the new peacock concept that I was talking about. #126 sits on a sun.
Entry #128 - #129 - This two have a new petal concepts with highlights on their tips. If you
want the tips more darker just let me know.

I hope you like them as much as you like the first ones. As always take care...

Best Regards,
15 years ago
Chris - your logos absolutely blow me away! They are sooooo stunning! I LOVE the new concepts. Thank you!!! Let me think on it a little bit and I'll get back to you with any feedback. I can't believe how much I am loving your work!

15 years ago
Hi Chris,

I've been giving the logos some thought. My overall feeling is that, as much as I love the feminine pink/green color palette, it's a bit too girlie for what I need. Would it be possible to take a couple of the logos and try out some different colors? I think more saturated colors would look good. I'm also open to using blues (maybe some teals) in there. My designer friend said that the color scheme looks like it belongs on a tampon box. Ouch. But maybe she is right. There is actually some interesting symbolism in a blue lotus. I like the new peacock/heart look since it's very abstract. I've heard from too many people that a peacock with a fan on top just looks to much like NBC. I'm open to ideas on how to make this a bit less feminine and a bit more unique! I LOVE your style!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,
Thank you very much for your review on my latest concepts. Will post later my new color scheme with one basic logo with different color scheme.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Taryn,

Entries #165, #166, #167, #168, #169, #170, #171, #172 have diferent color themes but I did not go further off the original color hues which you specified on the profile. Kindly give me your opinion so that I could apply the colors and re-submit my concepts.

I am also thinking of adding a pearl somewhere in the
logo that gives out light in middle (just like the logo of Vietnam Air
but it seems that this concept will overdo the whole thing since it will look like its a
light bulb.

Thank you very much! tak care!
15 years ago
Hi Chris,

I love the new colors! I think #167 is my favorite in the blue palette. I might play around a little bit with the green as that green looks just a little bit washed out. In the pink tones I like the darker look of #166. In that particular logo I still don't love the bottom leaves. Maybe it's better to keep it simple like in #121? Anyway, I look forward to seeing what's next. Great color choices! Thank you for so many options to choose from!


PS The blues in entry #179 are also really nice.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

Im sorry to give you so many entries, I just want to show you all the possible color combinations from the colors that you have chosen. Take your time to choose and let me know what you think of the new color adaptations.

Thanks and Take care!
15 years ago
Thank you for so many options!!! I am having SUCH a hard time deciding. I honestly could be very happy with any number of these logos. I was wondering if you could make a few small changes. On #204, could you make it look like there is a little more light coming through? I like how bright #122 looks and I wonder if that same feeling of brightness can be achieved with the different colors.

Also, #194 and #195 I like. It feels like the lotus might be a little high up off the letters? Also, the word "Productions' on these two logos feels like it's a little bit off center (at least to my eye).

#192 and #193 I like a lot. Somehow the original #49 has a nicer balance and feeling of light to it. It feels like that got a little bit lost with the new colors and font added to the revisions. Maybe it's worth tweaking that look one more time? A green lotus pod would be a nice color to try.


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

Here are my updates for today based on your requests.

Entry #266 - is a wordmark with a petal for the I and the I is glowing. Just let me know if you want to see this concept on other colors as well
Entry #265 - I placed lotus leaves behind the P on Penda plus! a lighting effect
Entry #263 - #264 - My original Lotus abstract on the P without the leaves
Entry #261 - #262 - I slashed out the half of the Pod to make it look like a D for the
word PENDA
Entry #258, #259, #260 - are variations of the POD with green palette
Entry #256, #255 are revisions of my POD concept with your requested adjustments on the font
and on the light direction
Entry #253, #254 - Lowered the Lotus and moved the word productions a bit to the left it seems that it fools the
eye because of the tail of P and T though it is actually centered. It is been bothering me
eversince though which to follow my eyes or the accuracy of a ruler hahaha.
Entry #252, #250, #249 - Gave me a bit of a hard time editing since I had to put more
light in there while preserving the colors. While in Entry #246 I retained the shadow
(dark part beneath the inital flower layer) Just let me know If I overdo the light in the
center so that I could adjust it the way you like it best.

As the contest ends I'm confident that I could give you the best of what you are looking for. as always Im here with you from the start unitl it ends...

Thank you for choosing my concepts,
15 years ago
Hi Chris,

#253 is still my favorite logo, though I have to admit I was quite taken with a new entry that came in this morning (I ranked it #2). I'm not sure if you are in the mood to try anything new, but if you wanted to try and integrate the blue lotus from #253 into a wordmark I would be very interested. I love the color palettes of #253, #254 and #249.

This is getting so hard to decide! And a huge THANK YOU for being with me throughout this contest. You have been wonderful to work with and I'm so glad you are helping me.

15 years ago
Logo Designer

I have made some wordmarks for you and to give you the ideas of having the logo in other forms.

The pleasure of doing designs for you was no doubt my best experience here in LT. I never enjoyed making logos like this before. I have to admit I was somewhat offended by the designer by copying my lotus and placing it on his design and he's very rude by sending me private messages and telling me lots of bad words. Well anyway the most important thing is that you can get what you came here for.

Again Thank you for choosing my designs...
Have a very wonderful day and the days ahead of you!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
. . .
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Some last minute entries
Entry #348, Entry #349, Entry #350 - Gave the logo a bit of a twist. Removed the white outlines and gave them a new lighting effect.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
If you want the green outline behind the lotus petals just let me know.
Thanks and have a nice weekends!
15 years ago
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the additional lotus concepts. I am having a hard time deciding what to do. I realized pretty late in the contest that I would have preferred a logo where the graphic is more integrated into the words (more of a wordmark). Because I realized this late I don't have a lot of those types of designs to choose from. After a lot of thought, I think the graphic of #249 is actually a good one for me to choose because it looks like both an aperture on a camera lens, a flower and a light. That said, I wonder if there is a way to integrate the graphic a bit more with the letters? Maybe put it to the side of the letters instead of on top? And make it look a little bit more like an aperture? I would also tweak the blue/green palette slightly to make the blue a little more like #253.

I hate to ask for any changes after you have done so much. I love so much of what you've done that it has been so much harder than I thought to pick. I want it to be a smart logo. As much as I love the lotus, the feedback from my colleagues is that it doesn't really say much of anything about what I'm doing. I think the flower/aperture/light concept is smart and speaks to more of what I'm doing.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

I will try to make some for you that integrate the logo into a wordmark. I may post it later. Just check the entries once every 3 hours. Thanks!
15 years ago
Logo Designer

2 basic concepts for the meantime. Im still thinking of a way how to make the logo into an aperture without loosing any essence on the flower. will post it tomorrow. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #354, #353)
15 years ago
Logo Designer

I made a new concept on the wordmark with Entries #365, #366, #367. The P here bears the Lotus Aperture with a Film strip on its Tail which can also be translated into a film roll.

Best regards,
15 years ago
Hi Chris,

I like the new concept. I think it only looks good when it is really big, like in #370. I think there are a couple of directions to go:

1. What if we dropped the film strip part and just focused on making the P cool with the graphic in it? I like #354 because it is sweet, simple and elegant. Maybe there is a way to incorporate the graphic with the P on something like this?

2. #370 could work if the words PendaLight were in there, maybe in italics somewhere. So the P would stand out on it's own. But it would also have the words PendaLight in there smaller.

3. I don't love that dark blue color being so prominent and the flower being so small in the middle of the P. What if you replaced the blue with the same green that is on the outside of the flower graphic? Keep the filmstrip. Make flower in the center appear bigger (it probably would anyway because there wouldn't be such a thick blue border). I think that would give it a more feminine look, which would be nice.

I do like the concept a lot and I think it could work with some tweaking.

Thank you!!!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

Thank you for liking my new concept. Your right it only looks good when its big. Here are my revisions based on your request.
Entry #376 is based on your Request No.1
I removed the film strip and made the flower element bigger.
Entry #377, #384 is also based on your 1st request but made the P element to stand alone.

Entries #383, #379, #378 are based on your Request No. 2
Here the P and Flower elements can stand alone without the Pendalight name. As you can see I used several fonts to see what type of font suits you best. I used the original font in Italic, A script and a Roman type font.

Entries #380, #381, #382 are based on your Request No. 3
I’m a bit confused about which is which here. Are you talking about the flower or the P for the Dark Blue? The P has a Dark Teal (Blue + Green) while the flower has a dark Blue Hues in it. That is why I created both for you. =)
Thanks and have a pleasant day!
15 years ago
Hi Chris,

Of the new entries #384 is my favorite. Is there a way to combine the P into the word PendaLight. I don't like it separate. We can drop the word Productions from this logo and have it just say PendaLight.

Otherwise, #354 is my favorite. I am thinking I might still want to drop the word Productions. Is there a way to do this logo without that word? Maybe we could try it both ways.

Only a few hours left in the contest. Yikes. :-)

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello there,

I have uploaded multiple entries based on your request. if you have anymore concerns just let me know.
Just to remind you even though the contest will end in a few hours the current ranked 1 designer can still submit entries until you decide to finish the contest. So don't worry about the time. Feel free to let me know about your ideas even they are in the back of your head or from your friends and loveones.

15 years ago
Hi Chris,

I just tried to select the final winner (which is you) for the contest but I got an error on the website. I just submitted a bug ticket.

I like the final logo I selected. That said, I was wondering if you might be willing to email the files for #383, 253, 354 and 249. I can't seem to make up my final mind! I wanted to close out the contest but I would love to have those files so if I change my mind I'll have it.

As a side note, my email address is It may be easier to communicate in the future through that email. I'd love to have your help designing a business card soon. And I have some other work coming up that maybe you could help with. It was really a pleasure to work with you.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Taryn,

I was also thinking the same idea of sending yo the logos. I could email you the logos as soon as the contest ends both in vector and raster format. Its an honor to make you a business card and other requirements for your company!

More power to your business and hoping to have more!

Best regards,
15 years ago
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