Peggy Jean's PiesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Peggy Jean's Pies

Peggy Jean's Pies has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 78 designs from 13 different designers from around the world.








Logo Designer
Hi, this is my proposal/design for you. I hope this will fits with your vision. I would appreciate a feedback. Thank you. Regards, Madeleine
10 years ago
#6 - Thank you for your submission! I do have some feedback - do you think you could make the woman appear as chic as she is now, but maybe in a different or slightly different color? We are targeting people who love food, are hip, and enjoy the finer things in life. Also - do you think you could incorporate our website address of
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, you are very welcome and thank you for your feedback. I changed the character's outfit to look more like a chic uniform specific to a chef. Also, as you can see, I used another color scheme and I incorporated your website into design. I hope you'll like the new entry. Regards, Madeleine
10 years ago
Logo Designer
... and a new color scheme (purple/green).
10 years ago
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