Rank 1, #57: eyefibre, like layout and colors but would like to see a few more variations of the figure (I'm not 100% sold on it yet), also, please send some revisions with tag line unbolded
Rank 2, #60: lechi542, like layout and colors but would like to see tagline moved to the right for balance to see how that looks
Rank 3, #64: lechi542, like the figure but can you narrow the stance? It's too wide and it makes the figure look too wide, also, can you send me revisions with the figure to the left of the words, positioned with balance and tagline to the right
Rank 4, #59: yanati, like the figure but can you have it display a little more motion? Also, please use a lighter orange/yellow and play with some additional revisions on colors
Everyone, still not 100% on any of these so it's still wide open for other ideas/examples, etc.