Dr. Nancy R. Harris DSSLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Dr. Nancy R. Harris DSS

Dr. Nancy R. Harris DSS has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 193 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.
























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I am most impressed with entry #4 - Which for conversation I will call a sunburst that really looks to me like a person who is full of Light and/or bursting forward due to new personal growth. I LIKE IT!! I would really appreciate seeing how this art work would look with a different font for my name, maybe one that is a bit softer. Plus with Professional Intuitive & Psychotherapist under my name. I am also trying to decided if I want Dr. in front of my name as I doubt anyone knows what DSS stands for, but when I see it in print it is a bit of over the top.

When I make business cards, stationery and brochures, I will be using
Nancy R. Harris, DSS
Doctor of Spiritual Science
Professional Inutitive & Psychotherapist

or: Dr. Nancy R. Harris,DSS
Professional Intuitive & Psychotherapist

My tag line is:
A Spiritual Approach to Resolving Everyday issues,
Would the tag line better would that fit into the logo and have
my name to totally separate???

I am interested in seeing how your art work, which so far is my first choice, might work with the above information. Would you rearrange anything to create a logo that brands more of what I do than my name? I confess I need your expertise as my old logo and I have been together for 17 years. Not really sure how to best re-brand into days world.
Thanks for all your help
Nancy Harris
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, thank you much for the great feedback. Will work on the updates right now and will provide you lots of variations of the text for you to choose.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, here are my updates:

With "DR." - #52, #53, #55, #57

without "DR." - #54, #56, #58,

I tried adding your tagline but I think it's too wordy if we use it with the logo - #50, what do you think?

Made also option which simplified the logo #61 #63 where we can put the icon on the left side #62 as well.

Please let me know what you think. Any modifications you would like to see, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Thank you.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, #60 is the one with tagline..
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, please do not hesitate to let me know if you wish to see other revisions. Thank you.

10 years ago
I am not sure how much you are allowed to copy ideas that come from other designers, but I REALLY like the font and the way the words are laid out in the logo that I have put as number 3. Is there any way you can do the same with your logo so that I can see how your design would go with what I call a softer, meaning more script style of font, plus the placement of the words in the same manner as #3. If doing so is not allow due to copying someone else's idea, please so something similar and maybe we can tweak it later. As I am still leaning towards you design, but the layout and softness of #3 really calls to me.
Can any of the lines in your design curve a bit more instead of straight peaks to again soften it a bit to fit with the more script type font? These are just questions? Thanks a lot!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Nancy, not sure what you meant, rank 3rd or #3 ? Actually we are not allowed to copy elements from other designers but we are allowed to use the fonts because fonts are open to everyone unless they made a special treatment to such font. Please let me know while I tweak my design adding soft elements.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, we are having a bad weather here in the Philippines and it's causing my internet connection. Hope you understand. But will upload my updates right away when they are done.

10 years ago
The other design I am speaking about is the one that I just now ranked as #2.
IIt is the script style font that I really like, but the way the he/she layed out the words under the design is
what I really liked. Not sure how much you are allowed to copy. Please advise.
I MUST GET TO BED AND HAVE A LONG DAY TOMORROW so will not be able to review any designs until late again in Tuesday, Colorado time.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, here are the font variations - #133, #134, #135, #136, #137, #138

Please let me know what you think.

10 years ago
I like the scripts and will have time later tonight to focus on all of them. A lot of new ones have also just arrived.
Sorry for so so many changes, but per my last post can you please let me see
the logo design without Dr. and with 2 lines under my name, Line one: Doctor of Spiritual Science
line two, Profressional Intuitive & Psychotherapist - with this standing out a bit more than the doctor line. See the #2 ranking choice layout of wording.
have to run
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Got it Nancy, will work on your requests now. Take your time :)

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, here are the updates:

with Dr. = #140, #142, #144, #146
w/o Dr. = #141, #143, #145, #147

Please let me know what you think.

10 years ago
You are still my number one choice. And before i finalize my choice now that we have the design with a font that seems to flow, the next idea I woke up with this morning is the following:.
Is there was way you can make the sunburst less solid, meaning gradation of the color, or not fully filled in.
Sorry I do not know the correct artist terms. But it feels a bit heavy with the lighter font. I am wanting to express expansion and going into the LIGHT, which to me means L-living I-in G-God's H-Holy T- Thoughs.
By making the logo portion a bit brighter by means of color gradation or something, we might get it to be the one that really jumps off the page for me.
I want to be living with this logo for at least 10 years, marketing Success Enhancement Workshops, that help people become more aware of their Spiritual and Intuitive Gifts and to Small Business Owners who want to bring more spiritual principals into their business.
Thanks again for all your help.
We are almost there!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, sure, will work on your request now.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, here are my updates - 3 options for the gradient effect of the sunburst - #155, #156, #157 . Hope those are what you meant, please let me know.

Thank you.

10 years ago
We are very close with numbers 157 and 155.
May I please see it once with what I am caling the person in the middle being WHITE.
And one version with white line around the person a bit bolder white
Plus one where the gradient effect of the person goes from darker to lighter as it moves up, this might really help express growth and expansion.
I only have 1 hour before going to work. After that will not be able to look again for about 10 hours.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Got it, working on it now.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, here are my updates:

person in white - #158
thicker white outline of the person - #159
person gradient - #160, #161

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, hope all is well with you. Just curious, may I ask why did you extend your contest? Are you changing directions?

10 years ago
I am NOT going in a different direction. I actually push the link to the extension by mistake. But it is a blessing as I am so tired and I have not have time to rank the other designer such that they can get the points they deserve. I am doing all the work for Logo while on a business trip this week and I am living on 5 hours sleep each night. I really need the time to focus on the logos and get feedback from collegues, etc.
The three days extra to get all this done is a blessing and I am sure that is why the accident of pushing the wrong link happened.
Must run to a client dinner, only back to my room long enough to change clothes.
Will be in touch again tomorrow.
Not sure the heavier white line really adds. The 100 % white person = NO
Is there Any way the person can still have a bit stronger gradient from the color to white at the top of the head??
Must run!
Going to dinner in my birthday suit is frown upon here in the USA.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, take your time :)

Will work on the gradient person right away when I get back home.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, will this work - #162? Please let me know.

10 years ago
#162 is looking GREAT!
Now I have to figure out how to get some input from friends and collegues.
THANKS A MILLION for all your changes. I really appreciate it!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
You are very much welcome Nancy, so glad you like it. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you wish to see more revisions.

10 years ago
I am starting to get feedback from my collegues. My closest friend, who is another spiritual psychotherapist, would like to see the logo in #162 without the wigth of the base of the logo, she suggested it be more like entry #62 , but with out the circle. Her reasoning is that it will fit better on business cards and be more useable if I can put the logo on top of my name AND also to the side of my name. I really see her logic, and would love to see it that way. Hope this makes sense. Exact same logo but smaller at the base. THANKS!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Nancy, hope these are what you meant - #178, #179.

10 years ago
Yes, this was what I was thinking. The hardest part of doing this via the internet is not talking in person so as to better express and show you exactly what we were thinking. One more try please. I would like to see the small version but with the teal line at the bottom as was before just smaller in portion to how you shorten the purple line. Teal line being a bit shorter than the purple as it was before. THANKS

How does this tourament work, if I want both the larger and the smaller version, is there an extra cost if you are the prize winner? With the smaller version I will want the art work with the logo above my name and also to the side as it will better fit on business cards and brochures, etc. With the larger version only will fit and look good the one way.

Do you do, at an extra charge of course, business cards, stationery, etc. IF so at what type of fee? Or is this not acceptable to be asking as part of this tourament?

hope this all makes sense, my average sleep per night for this whole week has only been 5 hours per night, it that. Thanks
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, the smaller version has the same concept compared to the large version so I guess providing them both is not a problem. :)

Regarding business card, stationary, etc. yes I also do such services. We can always communicate via email after your contest is completed.

Hope you will get enough rest soon Nancy. Will work on the updates now. and will upload them right away.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Nancy, here are the updates - #180, #181
10 years ago
Looking GREAT!! It sure is a process. I sure wish I could be sitting right there and just show you are explain so as not to have to have all this back and forth.

What I am still trying to get is that the bottom teal line on the now smaller version, which my colleague and I really like the best, be just a bit shorter than the purple line above it, such that the person seem like they are going into the purple expanding sunbrust, not ground such that they could not lift into it.

IN SHORT, the teal line at the bottom of the smaller version of the logo be just a bit shorter on both ends.. Hope this explains it.
If it is currently a bit shorter than the purple line it does not show up that way.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, here are the updates - #185, #186. Hope they are correct now. If not please do not hesitate to let me know.

10 years ago
Now that we are at the end and the contest is closed, I understand that during the judging phase I can only communicate with the number 1 ranked designer. So do not freak out if I have to move you to number 2. That is my question? Do I have to move the other person I am communicating with into the number one slot so that the computer will let me email this person not that I am in the judging stage. It says I can only communitcate with one person at a time. We are done! You did a GREAT job!! I am awaiting one last change from number 2 and then I will get input from friends and have my FINAL decision within the week. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE.
Your feedback per how the system works would be greatly appreciated.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, Thank you, glad we did it. Regarding JUDGING MODE, yes only the 1st rank designer can submit new entries. If you leave a comment to a specific designer, he/she will received an email along with that comment. No worries about moving me to number 2, make the most out of it while in JUDGING MODE.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy, if you like to use the solid colors please do not hesitate to let me know.

10 years ago
I hope to finalize the contest within the next 3 days. My friends and I have had a really really hard time using the logo tournament web site to get their feedback. I sent the emails directly from the Logo site, 9 out of 10 never got the emails. After 4 tries I have given up and am just going with my gut!

I have found that I want 2 very different logos. When I started the contest I wanted a logo for my Intuitive Awareness Training which is yours. The second one that came in ONLY because I hit the extension time link by mistake is one the I feel strongly about using for my Professional Intuitive work. I do not feel due to the circumstances that it should be the winning logo. What is the correct way to handle getting both?

Per our emails back and forth it is my understanding that you can and will provide the larger version and the smaller one for the winning prize? Is that correct? Can and will you also provide the art work with my name and the art work separtately so as to allow it to be easily positioned on business cards, brochures, etc.? I am asking a lot of questions as I am confused as to what I will exactly get when the winner is chosen. My hope would be that you would provide #186, 185, and 162 so that I can use the logo on top of my name or to the side depending how best it will fit on cards, brochure, etc. Plus the larger one that might be used at the top of stationery or on all the handouts I give my students. What all is included in the $500 prize money, and if all is not how do we make additional arrangements, and how much. I would really appreciate all of this information so as to decide what and how to deal with the second logo that I want for my Professional Intuitive work. My budget is not unlimited and having offered $500, I need to know all this upfront prior to making my final decision.
Thanks for all your help.
How do I communicate with you after the contest so as to maybe do some more work together?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy! Nice to hear from you again. Regarding all the logo variations you have mentioned. yes of course you can have all of them. I will send them separately through email after the contest has ended. We can communicate with each other then through email to discuss further graphic works which I will be happy to help you with.

Regarding the other logo that you like, after the contest you can contact the other designer by sending private messages telling them that you'd like to purchase their design, you can discuss the prize through their. Hope that helps.

Please let me know if you have any questions Nancy :) , would be happy to answer them.

After the contest, I will send you a private message with my email address.

10 years ago
I had just pushed the button to finalize the contest and realized that there is a spelling error in all of your logos.
You have professional spelled wrong. Please make sure it is corrected before you send me any of the final materials. Thanks
Again per our emails, it is my understand that you will provide the logo to the side of my name, on top of my name and also the larger version that might be used on stationery, workbooks, etc.
I am going to close the contest but wanted to make sure that I could get this message to you as I do not know how to contact you directly.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Nancy! Thank you very much for choosing my design as the winner. Sorry for the misspelled word, I just uploaded the final files with the spelling is corrected. Please let me know which email should I send the other files. My email add is ponetzgraphics@yahoo.com.

Thank you!

10 years ago
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