Magnolia EmporiumLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Magnolia Emporium

Magnolia Emporium has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 725 designs from 74 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
An emporia of high end trendy clothing, accessories for the home, candles, art, jewelry,fragrance, interior decor, maternity and children
Color Preferences
I am open to most colors at this point..
Our Ideas & Additional Information
If this will be helpful we will also be importing in luxury furniture from mexico and carrying luxe lines like jan barboglio so earthy elements are a plus., rich mexican coloring a possibility the store will have hand scraped dark wood floors and venetian plaster walls with mustard & terra cotta finishes chandeliers, fine silks elegant sofas etc imagine a high end emporia in italy or mexico that you discover while walking along a cobble stone street and a place you will spend hours in just to shop and not want to leave. The use of a magnolia flower is more than welcome


Order by
Entry Number




















































Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.
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Thank you to everyone for the wonderful entries to quickly! I am pleasantly surprised!. Please keep in mind that this logo will be used not only for our web page but also for window and/or storefront signage that may or may not be lighted in front or back. Also for bags, tags for merchandise, possibly in conjuntion for clothing labels, sigantrue fragrance, custom abgged coffeer beans,, maybe even cigar bans where a portion of the logo can be used.. it will clearly have to be a multipuprose used logo... I like something that will be synonymous wiht our store.. Thank so very much!!
15 years ago
One more thing LLC will end up being placed at the end of Emporium (Magnolia Emporium, LLC) for corporation requirements it can be extremely small and discreet. I am interested in the overall logo design and not the LLC. There will also be TM and Copyright used in final process so keep this in mind for your overall design even if you do not initally show it in the logo that is fine.. just so you have proportions that will not be thrown off.
Our .com address may or may not be used on the logo as well.. not sure yet..
15 years ago
I like the logo's within the overall logo.. as in.. #1, #2, #25, #31, #34, #39, #40, #47 It would allow us to use not only the entire patch but also in the individual symbolism for a clothing label by our in house designer, or on a cigar band or a candle.. where you will signify the logo as us...
15 years ago
I like #56 in the style, the boldness of #40 and #50 also #18 in that I could use color bases to apply the logo on various items the coloring in #47 please feel free to bring in okra's, terra cottas, yellow, greens, blues, oranges etc.. #3 is a difficult one for us because the design would not transfer over well to product packaging, and embroidery although nice for a web page, silk screening or post card mailers I am not afraid to see a logo that could support a photo of a person or character more realization of the flower does not have to be avant garde per see nothing overly modern. (like #15 which is wonderfully ethereal and a close presentation of a magnolia bloom although it needs more coloration.)... but timeless elegance, synonomous with our brand
15 years ago
Please keep in mind.. that your design will be a visual/name combo for recognition as an eventual national brand but in its inital usage of 2 to 3 immediate locations will be something recognizable by some of your favorite film and music stars as well as some very trendy peeps when they say... I got this at Magnolia Emporium... so give it your all.. and the final winner will also receive additional work from us for merchandising, packaging, brand unique products as well as. I have constant ideas about new products for us and your final product will be the main target to design from
15 years ago
You will note my favorites as of yet that I have posted. from #92 being pure and simple to #110 being a virtual piece of art to #154 with its avant garde fashionable flair. I choose these for a reasonhi is what I m looking for in our logo. I need to be able to alter these to fit collateral packaging and tagwear. I can do that with all three of these. If you would like to submit new projects please structure them to what I am looking for in the contest brief. Thank's again to everyone for all of the wonderful submissions.
15 years ago
I was recently asked if I had made my final decision on the design. I have not. I feel it would not be fair to end this competition early seeing as how there are so many wonderful designers still submitting their creations. I have some favorites yes... however this is not set in concrete. Please review my requirements and view my current favorites for which I am changing often as new ones come in.... Let this give you the inspiration for your designs.... but do not let this be the solid guide for you.... I appreciate and prefer originality in your deisgn. I want branding... I want someone to see one of our bags and say I need to go there.... I need your creation to be world recognized.... I need it to be Magnolia Emporium....
15 years ago
I am continually amazed at the wonderful design submissions and thank everyone for their wonderful creativity!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to submitting for another venture shortly........... This is the best web site I think I have ever found!!!!!!!!!!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Great:-) look forward to your next contest...your feedback as a CH has been awesome, thanks:)
15 years ago
The competition is nearing its end... but there are still openings for a winning designer. Do not let the current ranking of creations dictate my choice for a winner. I change their placement often... I will be deciding the winner after the competition and it will be with enormous consideration and thought.... This design will have to carry us through many markets and to be our branding for several products with color variations... I will also be submitting another design request very soon. It will be on behalf for our chief in-house designer for our private label clothing. He is currently in Manila right now creating for the SE Asian fashion shows and will be retuning this summer. I have absolutely no question in my mind that this is the place I want to bring our business to. There is a possible two additional design logos I will need...on top of that one... I have been blessed with everyones creativity... Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you... from the bottom of my heart...
Randolph James....
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I would like to know general feedback for my entry set so I can submit some versions before the contest ends, thank you.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
you can post any request concerning individual design, in your design comment area...this area is for general CH feedback/CH questions.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Modeljoej:-)
final rankinking is important to all designers(I know that mine, variations of) are up taking up spots(once you choose a design, you may also request variations with designer).....could you please reveiw this, I know all of us rely on fair ranking, and even if I win/don't I'd love to see everyone receive a fair rank, we all worked hard, you have been an awesome contest holder, so I just want to give you kudos, namaste, and thank you:)

This post was used on a different competition to highlight some rules of the LT (previously posted by Dazzle - Moderator for LT)

" March 22nd, 2009, 11:48am
How are you doing ? hope you are doing great. As this contest is about to come to an end, and you will be chosing the best new logo for your company, i just wanted to have your attention to some important point that you might be aware of or might not. I hope i am not miss understood by pointing out this to you and that you understand.

When the contest ends and you have made your mind and desicion about the winner logo, the winner gets the 1st place, but the 2nd and 3rd place and going on forward, 4th, 5th, 6th , etc , each one or slot should be filled with a seperate designer and different concept you found second best, third best to follow etc.

This helps towards us designers ranking and also it is a way from you to show your appreciation to the hard effort and trails put from the beginning by one designer or appreciating a nice design concept put earlier by a designer that led to developing on right direction for others and you getting the best you could at the end.

It feels frasturating for other designers and pointless of giving all the top rankings for same winner designer, while those were just a small variations of the winning design and therefore the other places 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc are not filled with different designs from a different designer.

So i hope you understood my point i was just trying to point out to you here and all the best of luck in chosing your winner logo, there are really good ones out there.

please take a moment to rank your contest in fair and just will go along way when you decide to start another....simply because more designers will participate if they know a contest will be judged fairly.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Tini1, I did post on my comment area, Anyway, just want to make final updates for the CH #510, so I already updated. Good Luck and Nice Contest!
15 years ago
Thank you so much for that great information I was not awre I needed to do that .... warmest of regards
15 years ago
I had several requests from private emails for me to extend the contest.... so I have done that to allow those people to sybmit their designs fairly along with everyone else... I hope this does not inconvience anyone.... I wanted to make sure everyone had their chance....
With my warmest regards and considerations to everyone who has participated... I thank you..
Randolph James...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
(((((Woo hoo, I just read Nashville, TN.....I will come in one day(my uncle lives there, a yep, hes in the music industry:-))))))
15 years ago
Logo Designer

Hi Fernando, but this is an hibiscus flower !!!!!! ;-)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Right, i was thinking the same, this is an hibiscus flower.
15 years ago
Fernando can easiy remove the center stem.... and it is his stylized version of the flower...I think he did wonderful job..... works for me...
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Great! Fernando, now you have a beautiful magnolia. :)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you gatonecio!
15 years ago
I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful hard and creative work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A new competition will be submitted soon... For those interested in participating in the logo creation please visit the temporary website set up for the The designers name and Clothing line name will be part of the project.. and it will be something that needs to in some manner coexist with the winner of this competition.. for the designer will be creating for us..

With warm regards
Randolph James..
15 years ago
Congradulations to Tini1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone did a fantastic job and I am very proud of their work and am honored everyone submitted such wonderful creations to help me decide...
Please feel free to add the business on facebook to your fans if you like it's listed under magnolia emporium and also the magnoia emprium.... we are also located on twitter at magnolia emporia I look forward to my next competition...
15 years ago
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