Lisa B. MarshallLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lisa B. Marshall

Lisa B. Marshall has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 237 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.




















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Logo Designer
Feedback is welcomed and appreciated!
15 years ago
Thanks for your effort and entries. I prefer #5 over #4. I think the black star draws too much attention. My first response to the design was "too simplistic", but overall I still like it. Would it be possible to make the font more interesting? Perhaps a different style or different size for Lisa B. or perhaps different color? or some combination?

Could there be two conversation two people are talking with each other?
Thanks again for your time.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback! I was looking to reflect the current clean, simple design of your current site but spicing it up is not a problem. If you look at my portfolio, you'll find that a lot of my designs are very simple because I prefer a bold statement in logos that is easily recognizable, uncluttered and usable with all medias (gradients and tiny detail don't translate to screen printing, vinyl banners, embroidery, etc.).

#6 and #7 have some different font usage, 2 word bubbles and a more 3-dimensional feel.

The hardest thing for me is working on a logo with a Competition Holder who doesn't giv e any/great feedback so I'm very much looking forward to working with you on this one!

15 years ago
I just looked at your portfolio and noticed the JJ Surma logo-- your logo was the one that convinced me to go ahead with this contest idea because I really like what you did for him.

Anyway, on the latest designs...actually it did occur to me that the simpler logo would be easier to use across mediums.

On these designs, #6 in particular, I still think I like the idea of the two conversation bubbles, but I think the "weight" of the bubbles is now overwhelming the weight of the weight of the name and I think the name has to be the dominant element (like you achieved in #4). I'm still not digging the font style...I don't like shadow fonts and I it's just too husband said to "tell him to make it less corporate"...I think he is trying to say the same thing as me. Can the style of the letters be different? Maybe the style of the bubbles would have to change along with the style of the font?

My husband also asked about a different color (but I am not worrying about color right now). I figure the color can be changed easily, right?

Thanks again for your efforts and again, I loved the JJ Surma one that you did so 'I'm hopeful you'll come up with something I'll really love.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Experimenting with rounded corners, fonts, adding the tagline (sorry I missed adding it on earlier submissions!), color and a little complexity. I think #15 and #16 might have some promise...
15 years ago
Hi Jason,

So you did exactly as I asked and I like YOUR ideas better! (Don't I feel like a jerk!). Anyway, I LOVE the font you used for #12 and I like the rounded corners. Now that whole design is "rounded" and I really like it.

Can you add the tag line, but maybe in dark grey --the black seems too harsh and draws too much attention. But maybe it's a good contrast with the red and needs to be that way? Anyway, if you could try that, I'd be appreciative.

About the color--yep, you guys were right, it needs to be red. Blue just doesn't cut it. # 15 in particular reminds me of the ocean when you are underwater and not the feeling I'm going for (unfortunately, I can't visual something until I see it. It seemed like a good idea, but turns out it wasn't) If it's not too much trouble, could I see it in orange? (orange is supposed represent creativity and energy according to the brief thingy).

Thanks again for all the effort you have been putting into the logo. I sincerely appreciate it.
15 years ago

I was looking again at ALL of the designs. Obviously, I like the design that is ranked #1 too. I like that one because I like the shape of the conversation bubble and I like the exclamation point (actually, it is a similar idea to what you first put with the star in the bubble.).

Now that the font and edges of #12 is rounded, maybe a more square looking conversation bubble would work? (It's almost like the opposite of the first design that had squared letters and round conversation bubble.) Anyway, what do you think? Would a squared off look OK?

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Don't feel like a jerk! I'm happy to try out an ideas you might have and sometimes the best way to figure out what you DO like is to decide what you DON'T like.

#17 #18 #19 #20 #21 show some additional font options, tagline in gray, square word bubbles and some color ideas using orange. If there are any of these options you would like to see combined, please let me know!

15 years ago

Thanks for your kind words.

Right now I equally like the orange and the red color. Which do you prefer? I think I might like the orange and grey combination better than red and grey, but I like them both. The gradient was an interesting idea, but I think the single color is stronger (and will be cheaper for me in the long run!).

Regarding the font, I LOVE the font in #17 & #20 and I prefer without the initial caps as your originally did it. I don't think I need any more font options.

Regarding the conversation bubbles, I like both options square and round. I think the square ones might be a bit too square , would it be possible to see it still square but with a rounded corner, like you do in the overall colored box? By the way, which one do you prefer? Round or square?

The next one you do, if you choose to do another, could I see it all one color? How about in red?

Again, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the time you are putting into this. Thanks!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
#32 and #33 show the rounded corner word bubbles.
#34 and #35 show some variation - one thing to keep in mind is that even though we're going for simple, you could always have a second "jazzier" version (like #34 ) that only appears on your website. As long as it's not too different and as long as the simple version stands on it's own. In other words, it's ok to have a 2nd jazzed up version rather than having only a jazzy logo and being forced to create a "dumbed down" version when necessary. Does that make sense? I feel like I'm rambling....

I prefer the orange because it's a little more unique. If you tend in that direction, I think we might need to add a gray/black border or something to make it pop a little more (while still keeping to 2 colors).

To explain the all lower case letters - it's more of a human/organic thing to do. A computer wouldn't see it as being correct so it lends a handmade feel.

Great idea on the rounded corner word bubbles! They're my new favorite. I think they definately give the logo a subtle web 2.0 feel without going overboard.

What do you think about your tagline INSIDE of the word bubbles?

If you're concerned about logo complexity affecting printing cost, let me know your concerns on specific logo - I own a printing company and I can tell you exactly what's going to affect the price and how.

15 years ago

Hmmm...I think I need to spend some time looking at the options you've created. I need to record my show tonight so I'll be in the studio. I'll look again in the morning with "fresh eyes" .

Not sure about the tagline inside. If you don't think it's too much trouble, I would like to see.
But, again, I'll leave another comment again for you in AM. I need to go record right now.

15 years ago

LOVE the new one #42 you posted. I'm wondering how it would look if the bubbles were a little smaller. I really like the three overlapping bubbles. I think that looks great. I like that this is the "negative" of the one you were working on...I like the overall shape because it becomes more versatile and I also like that you communication gets emphasized. Thanks SO MUCH for everything. -Lisa
15 years ago
Logo Designer
SO GLAD that you like the new idea! I really started to feel that the old version has progressed to a very finished level but I wasn't happy with the way it had turned out. I knew that I could rework the overall logo without scrapping any of the important elements.

This new version breaks out of the box, taking on a more square shape. The human mind likes squares and squares give the viewer a sense that your company is organized and tidy.

In #44 I've reduced the size of the word bubbles, increased the overall size for better display (I should have done this on the last one, sorry!) and I've removed the shadowy background so you can get a better sense of what it will look like on a pure white background.

15 years ago
OK Jason, you read my mind. I actually had started a note to you earlier asking to reduce the size of boxes and make the whole thing bigger!

Here's what I'm thinking, I'd like to repeat the grey more in the conversation boxes. In fact, I know you are going to kill me, but now I'm thinking for you to go back to one of your very first ideas with only a single conversation bubble (the biggest one) but modify it slightly so it is more square that we have moved to square shape I think it can become more squarish too (still rectangle but closer to square). I'm also thinking it might be interesting to see the box with the same grey but in thicker outline, with something orange in the box...Now that I'm writing this, it seems I am describing the graphic that was created by bwhite in the second design! Crap! Of course you can't do THAT graphic...BUT I do really like that graphic. ( I'm not sure about the ethics of doing a modification of that on this design. Although it is the direction you were going on #4 originally).

Anyway, I like what you did. Oh, and can I see an orange exclamation after communication. Not sure I really want it, just would like to see.

OK, once again, I just want to say THANK YOU for all of your efforts. Thanks for your energy and talent. I appreciate it.

15 years ago

I like the two new designs. With every design, I like them more and more. I like the most recent one #65 best (I think). Sometimes I feel like with each new design it's like a shiny new toy, and I say "ooh, look at that one!)...

I like the three dimensional effect. However, could you make the exclamation point look more "feminine"? Right now it looks too strong and bold.

If I had to "dumb down" this design for t-shirt printing, would it be possible?

15 years ago

On last thing...the kerning between the "r" and "s" in marshall seems off. It looks right for the font, but it visually looks off to me, like there is too much space between them. Am I seeing things? or is it off?

No need to change, just a question for now.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
#67 and #66 are two variations of a more feminine exclamation point and #68 shows the R and S moved closer.

I know what you mean about seeing each new design like it's like a shiny new toy - that's a very common response! As far as t-shirt printing, you're in the clear - the design still only uses 2 colors, black and orange.

15 years ago
Any chance I could get you to invert the colors on the graphic...exclamation in orange and the comment box in grey? I just would like to see. Before when the exclamation was thicker there was enough grey , but now that it is less emphasized, I'm thinking there is too much orange--that's why I'm asking to switch.

The "bent" exclamation gave it too much of a cartoony feel for me.

Thanks again...I hope your honey enjoyed the breakfast in bed.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#73 shows your requested changes. I don't know if you've noticed but I've added a little black (gray) to the ornage in your name to make it pop a little more. The bright orange on white was a little muddy looking.

15 years ago
Hey Jason,
Thanks for continuing to make entries. The latest one #6 caught my eye and does communicate what I do. Maybe you could soften it a bit?
15 years ago
Prefer square edges of #150
Prefer font of lisa b marshall in #169
don't like passionate about comm font...go simpler

Can you go with lbm not just lm?

If these changes will eat up too much time, don't do it. I feel really bad asking you to more when you have already done so much!!

Oh, ans as I said before, it's still too harsh, maybe with grey instead? I know you prefer things to "pop"....but for me I think it's too strong.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem! Numbers #188 and #189 show the requested changes. #188 has some graying and #189 is more completely softened.

I'm liking how the initials look somewhat like a waveform which is relevant to your voice/speaking. I'm also loving your mouth as part of the logo. It's a more literal representation of your product (you, your voice and your speaking) and at the same time it adds a lot of personality and emotion to the logo (plus you can be sure no one else is going to copy your face for their logo).

Thanks again for all of the feedback!
15 years ago
I am diggin' the new design. It's different from the others and it communicates what I am looking to communicate. I just need to design ultimately what type of design I want to go with.

Again, I can't express how much I appreciate all the effort you have put into this contest. Thank you.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Just snuck in two more! #192 and #192 I wanted to see 2 things - how it would look horizontal and how the "lisa b." would look inside the orange box instead of your initials. The black background is just to show how it might look on a website or something similar where you don't have a white background.

I promise not to submit anymore unless you ask for them! I don't want to make your decision any harder than it already is! If you would like to see #189 horizontal or on a black background, please let me know ...or if would like to see ANY other changes/ideas/tweaks, please let me know. I'm more than happy to take care of them!

It's honestly been a joy to work with you! I THRIVE on feedback and you've been great about quick responses, constructive criticism and honest opinions!
15 years ago
thanks for #193 & #194, but still much prefer #189.
15 years ago

Could I see 189 on a black background? I am thinking the top of my new website might be a black background, but I'm not sure yet.

By the way, which smile did you use? From which of my pics? the red shirt or black shirt? Just curious.

Thanks again for your time and efforts,


P.S. I think this design is the most personal design among the entries. It would be hard for anyone else to have this logo..
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Contest extended!

#221 shows #189 on the black background. The logo can be moved to the left of the text when needed (like for your website's header) and the text can be shrunken if ever needed to form an overall square. I can upload previews of those if you would like.

I ended up using the blue shirt pic - I liked the exposure and the smile on that one better.
15 years ago
I explained the extension in the main comments. I was waiting for one of the designers.

Anyway, I'll likely end it early then make a decision.

On 221 can you change the lisa b part to white? I think that will help. Wait till I make a final decision on the other stuff.

Thanks again.
15 years ago
I have one last idea, that I'm wondering about. (I swear this is the last!)

Can you make one of the a's in my name a conversation bubble? A 3D round one solid - metalic looking. A realistic looking as possible, not cartoony.

I think it might be too much but I'd like to see if you are willing. I understand if you don't want to! You've already done tons for me. Really, I'll understand if you think I'm asking too much.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
You should have guessed that I wasn't going to be able to submit "just one"! I tried out an orange bubble, a gray bubble, a mix of orange and gray ( #232 ) and the mix with a faint white circle to try and emulate an A better. I tried tacking on the bubble in various other places (in the top part, next to the top part, next to the name, etc.) but It just looked tacked-on and crowded every other place.

Please let me know if you wold like to see any other combination or anything switched around. I'll be out of the office for a few hours for a client meeting this afternoon so I might not be as prompt as usual but I'll check back here as soon as I get back!

15 years ago
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