Lieber's LuggageLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lieber's Luggage

Lieber's Luggage has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 105 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.


















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Logo Designer
logo 1

(This comment references Entry #3)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 2

(This comment references Entry #4)
13 years ago
We like the idea of continuity from the existing logo, providing consumer recognition from the old to the new, but would like a bit more "updating". Perhaps adding a new color or colors. We are intrigued by the possibility of adding the tag line to the logo, but this version looks too small to be easily read.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 3

(This comment references Entry #9)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 4

(This comment references Entry #10)
13 years ago
#10. the brown tone is interesting. Can we add a contrasting accent color, blue &/or green?
Try deleting the string, or changing it to a strap. Also like that "Lieber's" is a bigger font that "luggage". The tag shape implies luggage so the word is less important.

#8: Like the incorpration of the tag line and date. Needs refinement. Make it feel more like leather.

# 5 & 6. Handsome, clean design, but we need a luggage tag to provide contimuity from the old logo. The suitcase is an obsolete silhouette.

#9. Elegant but too busy. In general we want to be able to have a simple tag for signs and a more complex version for print.
13 years ago
Logo Designer

thanks for the feedback. you wrote your comment for entries nos. 5,6 and 8 here in my comment section. I'll do the necessary modifications as soon as i fixed my PC as my files are in that PC.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 5

(This comment references Entry #15)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 5

(This comment references Entry #16)
13 years ago
With #16, we think the lighter leather color you did is an improvement.
13 years ago
We are still not sure if we prefer a string, a ring or a strap. We think the strap in #16 is too heavy and complicated and distracts from the tag shape. So maybe a ring might do the trick. Can we see it with both tag lines ON the tag please? And maybe add the green or blue accent on the leather tag somewhere. Thank you!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 6

(This comment references Entry #29)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 7

(This comment references Entry #30)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 8

(This comment references Entry #31)
13 years ago
re #16. This is the best effort yet. We like the colors and the strap but decided against the script "L" in the circle. We'd like to see how the green color may be incorporated in the tag design, as some use (for signage, for example) will omit the ribbon.
The tag line needs an easier-to-read font.
We look forward to seeing your revisions.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 9

(This comment references Entry #37)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 10

(This comment references Entry #38)
13 years ago
Hi Grafixsphere,
We' re getting really close here. We like the new font for the tag line, but don't think the transition coloring on the tag from green to brown works. Let's go back to the solid brown tag like #16, Then let's try green elsewhere. How about a versions:
- with green stitching
- with green lettering for the tag
- with green for the word luggage
And let's try a slightly cheerier or brighter green - just a little, like the green in entry #8.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 11

(This comment references Entry #52)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 12

(This comment references Entry #53)
13 years ago
Thank you for these latest updates. The lighter green and the green "Liebers" don't really work. Maybe if “luggage” were green, as we had suggested, we’d like that better. But if green remains an accent color, go back to the green used on #37.
We do like the all-brown (with gradation) tag as in #38. We’d like to see the ribbon “since 1978” dropped down over the corner more, so it sort of sits on the tag.
Here is a different approach to the date. Eliminate the ribbon and make the strap a graphical element that includes the date.
We appreciate your showing us these two alternatives.
By the way, we are extending the contest three days.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks. I just got home and it's quite late. I'll do the revisions tomorrow morning.
13 years ago
Hi grafixsphere,
As we look at your logo, we have a tweak that we think will work. Your design is simple, clean and straight-forward, which we like. The ribbon on the top and the strap seem to clutter it up. So here is our idea: Eliminate the ribbon on top. Replace the strap with a green ribbon, not too big, going through the hole of the tag, and put "Est. 1904" on it. That will be the only green on the design.
(And yes, we are changing the date to 1904, the year we were originally established.)
Also, please post a copy in black and white so we can see how it would look in a newspaper ad.
Thank you,
Liebers Luggage
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 13

(This comment references Entry #67)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 14

(This comment references Entry #68)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 13

(This comment references Entry #69)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 14

(This comment references Entry #70)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 15

(This comment references Entry #74)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 16

(This comment references Entry #75)
13 years ago
We are getting really close. Thanks for trying somewhat different proportions as on #74, but we'll stick with the shape we've been working with, #69.
The ribbon needs to be a different shape, what we refer to as a "cause" ribbon. Go to for an example. The ends of the ribbon can be fattened a bit so the text can be larger. The green color you are using is good.
We've gone back and forth on the date issue and have decided to go back to the original text "Since 1978". It can either go on one end of the ribbon, or "Since" and "1978" can go on the separate ends of the ribbon allowing them each to be even larger. See what works.
One more thing. The white opening is not centered horizontally in the tag -- there is less brown below than above it. Please center it properly.
Thanks again for all your efforts.
Lieber's Luggage
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 17

(This comment references Entry #76)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 18

(This comment references Entry #77)
13 years ago
Great. We like the ribbon on #77 - logo 18. The only thing left is the positioning of the white opening. I should have said vertically. The white opening is not centered VERTICALLY in the tag -- there is less brown below it than above it. Please center it properly. The height of the brown strip at the bottom is less than the brown strip at the top. They should be the same.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 19
thanks. fixed the white opening

(This comment references Entry #78)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 20
another option

(This comment references Entry #79)
13 years ago
Hi grafixsphere,
After careful examination, I think you accidentally posted identical versions. #78 & #79 are the same as #77, and the white are is still not centered vertically. Please fix it so we can declare you the winner and finish it up!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, sorry for the confusion.
entry #77- the tag hole not centered vertically
entry #78- centered tag hole with original piping color
entry #79- centered tag hole with a lighter color

I'll submit another one that's clearer
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 21
pretty much centered now

(This comment references Entry #94)
13 years ago
Okay. But the white space is still not centered vertically. When I enlarge the proof and print it, the height of the horizontal brown on the bottom is 5mm, and the height of the brown on the top is 6mm. We really need that balanced. Will you do that even after the time runs out, which is in a couple of hours?
When we get final versions from you, in addition to the standard vector files and JPGs, we would like versions without the tag line appearing, and versions in grayscale. Is that okay?
As soon as I have back from you that this is all okay we can declare you the winner.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
yeah, sure. Should I become the winner, I will be needing your email address to send the other files aside from eps and jpeg which will be uploaded here.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 22
you were right. the previous one was not centered. Here's the right one.

(This comment references Entry #101)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 23
just to show it's centered now

(This comment references Entry #102)
13 years ago
Now I see that you and I are thinking of different "white openings". I meant the the white large rectangle that encloses the words "Lieber's Luggage" while you thought I meant the little hole!
The little hole is fine. It is the big white rectangle that is not centered vertically!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
logo 24
rectangle now centered..sorry for the misunderstanding

(This comment references Entry #105)
13 years ago
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