Law Offices of David J. BerneyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Law Offices of David J. Berney

Law Offices of David J. Berney has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 202 designs from 46 different designers from around the world.






































In entry no. 11, is it possible to make the blue a bit darker. I also would be interested in seeing this with serifs. Not certain which style I would like better.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Of course, will do several more variations for you in the morning, thanks for feedback.
10 years ago

Thanks....looking forward to seeing some more variations on this logo It would be really helpful if you could vary up the font with some that are more traditional and some that are more modern, play with the colors a bit and also do a couple with BerneyLaw as opposed to Law Offices of David J. Berney. That would be great!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
See #92 with new fonts and slightly deeper blue. I will switch up the blues on new entries and add some other fonts. Then you can tell me which blues and fonts from the different options you like and I can combine the ones you like best.
10 years ago
I think I still prefer a darker navy blue. I also think that I prefer serif and a more traditional font. Is it possible to do BerneyLaw with "Berney" in dark blue and Law in light grey?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, not a problem coming up.
10 years ago
With No. 109, can you confirm that the color is navy blue? It looks dark purple on my screen. I like the way that you offer different layouts but I am not certain which would work best on various respective media. So, do you have recommendations for how you would lay it out across collateral, I.e., website v. letterhead v. business card v. brochure. I need an expert to help me lay it out. Is that something that falls within your area of expertise. Can you also show me another design where the letters are all the same size as opposed to making the "B" and the "L" larger. Can you also show me one where there is no space between "BERNEY" and "LAW". Finally, can you show me a couple designs where the icon above the name is smaller so that Berneylaw is actually bigger than the icon.

btw - Once I chose a logo, how do I practically get the logo on my marketing materials? Do you know the answer to that?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I can answer most of those questions and show you several versions vertical and horizontal of the same logo. I see dark navy on my screen but can remove any red shade in new submission. Sounds like what you want is a blue-black. No problem!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#126 and #127 show how the same logo can be used different ways. Sometimes horizontal works best for business cards, but most logos should be able to be used with the icon centered above name or beside it. For instance if you wanted to make pens to give away, you would want horizontal. If you were making promotional golf balls, centered above would be better. Horizontal also tends to work well for websites but you should be able to use both.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry I put the wrong number with 126, I mean #128
10 years ago
With regard to no. 128, can you make the graphic smaller? Can you also show me some options where the different colored people are in different orders, i.e., options without the light grey person on top. Can you also show me what it would look like with Berney law swapped out with Law Offices of David J. Berney and with "Law Offices of" in grey and the remainder in dark blue using the same type of font.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
You bet, will get them to you in the morning!
10 years ago
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#163 #164 #165 and #166 show some of the variations you asked for. If you want you can ask me to put the icon/colors from one entry with the type or layout of another. I can combine elements you like best.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#182 shows how it might work on solid color background in one color.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#194 partnership, reaching across the table, teamwork
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad you like these designs. Keep in mind that you may want to use the version that says the full name for some things and just Berney Law for others. No problem for me to provide both versions for you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
If you need anything else from me before your contest ends just ask, or send me a message. Glad to help.
10 years ago
I am sorry for my delay in getting back to you. Work obligations kept me busy. In terms of entry no. 165, I would like the graphic to be proportionately smaller than Law Offices of David J. Berney. Can you do that? I intend to select some version of this design as the winner. Happy Thanksgiving!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Understand, no problem! I'll make these changes for you shortly and upload them. Also, I can provide you with a few variations of the winning design afterwards by e-mail after you choose a winner. Adjustments sometimes need to be made down the road, so no problem.
10 years ago

Happy holidays and happy New Year. Between getting ready for a trial and being on vacation in the later half of December, I am just getting back to the logo. Can you give me your thoughts regarding how to use the logo as part of my business card design and my letterhead design. That would be really helpful! Do you charge separately for that?


10 years ago
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