#158 logo: like the concept, but the color scheme could be improved. Maybe try a mix of blue and green instead of just blue. Changing the hex for the blue to something like: #007db9 and maybe a green that compliments this color like: #83ce00
#96/#25 logos: hat is too far from the text. Shadow below hat should be shade of gray and not green. Typography should be different...less like comic sans. Same holds true for the font used on #54
#148/#147/#142 logos: a little too tech oriented. I like the font used on #147, followed by #142...don’t like the font on #148. Maybe the designer can do something better with the pixel hat or replace it with something else that appeals to more of a general audience.
#145: the idea is decent, but the end result doesn’t come together like it should. Something about the shine on the hat, along with the color scheme that looks off. Also the height of the tie creates a lot of negative space below the logo. That space makes it difficult to fit in various layout schemes.
#38: font works just fine. Hats look good enough. This one is okay from the standpoint that is looks general enough to appeal across a broad audience and does a decent job of representing the brand. Nothing spectacular, but not too shabby, either.
#88 ranked logo: I kind of like this one for some reason. We had talked about having the designer resize the figures to make them less prominent. That might help bring it together. Logo text color is a bit bland, too. That could be improved as well by adding some color.
#130 logo: looks too much like “where in the world is Carmen San Diego”, and the color scheme isn’t great.
#114 logo: cool idea, but too tech oriented. Also not particularly fond of the color scheme. Maybe using a different color set, and, different font family might help to bring it together.