InsideOut Consulting, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / InsideOut Consulting, Inc.

InsideOut Consulting, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 324 designs from 43 different designers from around the world.








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Thank you for joining my contest. Of your three entries #76 is heading in the best direction for what I want to convey. 74 and 75 are too hard and rigid although creative in the ideas. 76 is perhaps too simple. It does have an elegant touch to it. I would like some color and to see the slogan added. It has potential for me and is a very different solution. Thank you.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there
Thanks for your feedback - i have submitted entries
#92 a chat bubble inside O and a blue dot to represent the human element
#91 the letter I titled at right angles and the blue dot to represent the letter O and both the horizontal line and blue dot to make the human element -
# 90 relatively self explanatory just playing with the word inside out ( the white dot inside the purple in smaller than the one outside ) - hope you like the idea - do please let me know if you need changes or variations

14 years ago
Entry 90: I like the changes to this. The font really gives this a unique signature or look. Of the 3 new submissions, the purple sphere is what I like best. I like strong simplicity of the symbol against the softer elegance of the text. The logo feels nicely balanced. I don't have any specific direction to move it in except if there were refining to do to the sphere idea. I might like to see the OUT in purple to help integrate the symbol. I feel like the text wants some color - but stay sublte with it.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #93 revised with the text ( Out ) in purple
14 years ago
Of your entries, I am most drawn to #99. I like the font change - it is more readable and I like pulling the color into the text. The square symbol is more balancing to the overall effect and gives strength to the logo. I am not sure it is what I will finally want. Thanks,
14 years ago
99 is still what works best for me. I wonder what you would do with just a wordmark logo and not try to add a symbol. There is a nice elegance to your work. Thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #110 without the graphic
14 years ago
I am still drawn to 96 and 99 and like your new 139. For 96 and 99 I think the font feels a bit to weak. Can it be popped up alittle? I like 139. I would like a different color for the lower corner. My concern is that the slogan is not quite readable on this one. 139 feels a little busy too, but I am not sure why. Thanks again for the work, I like your design style on these.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback - i will make the changes - i hardly slept last night and its 2 am here/now - please allow me some time - will upload the changes - thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
entry #99 revised with a bolder and strong font entry #195
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #196 exclamation mark ( or inverted I ) inside the word out - hope you like the word mark
14 years ago
I find myself drawn to your work. I still really like the simplicy of 195. The font changes are helpful. I think what is not working for me is the lines of lettering moving back and forth. I wonder if it would look calmer if Consulting Inc was spaces along under the InsideOut some how and Unleashing potential spaced out too.

196 and 193 are intersting but something is too strong about them for me.
Thank you again for your work.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #220 with the slogan and text fully justified.
#195 slightly modified as in Entry #221 with emphasis to inside-outside and the letter I - if you can spot the letter I in abstraction inside the stylized purple circle. Hope you like this modified version - thanks for any feedback

Other revised : Entry #222 Entry #223
14 years ago
220 - the changes are great! I am drawn to the elegant simplicity of this still. Can I see a version in a blue to compare? I am finding that the purples show up pink on peoples computer screens. Thanks for all your work.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #224 Entry #225 Entry #226 In shades of blue - let me know if you like some more colour schemes.

14 years ago
I like it in the blue, thank you. This has a nice feeling to it. I like the blue of 226.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you - and please keep the feedback coming - again thanks
14 years ago
Entry 226. I find myself really drawn to this logo. The handwritten font and color and balance really work. I am worried that it is too feminine for the business world. I have not decided that this is not good. But I wonder if there are some hand written fonts that might feel less feminine. The handwritten look brings that "human" feel in a powerful way and certainly stands out. I want to keep you in the know of what I am thinking and why it has not quite made it to number 1. Thank you. I really like your work.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback - i think my previous font did look feminine - but on #226 its less though - i will upload some more variations for you - again thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #257 Entry #256 with more masculine a font
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #258 less of a handwritten style - think this one should impress you
14 years ago
entry 258: I like the slight change to the font. Can I see a version of 226 and 258 without the slogan too? I might drop using the slogan. Thank you again.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback - will makes the changes in just a while - leaving for dinner and will be back with my works - again thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #226 revised to Entry #282 ( without slogan )
Entry #258 revised to Entry #281 ( without slogan )
14 years ago
Thanks for letting me see it without the slogan. It works nicely both ways and I like that. I like the ball versions over the new entry 283. Hope you had a nice dinner.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi thanks for your feedback - yep more than the dinner i had time with family who just arrived from a trip. btw #283 is about the letter i as an opening door, that throws light inside out - just a thought i wanted to share with you - thanks anyway
14 years ago
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