Hello Ayiex,
I need your approval for the following…
I am prepared to select you as the ‘Winner’, with your understanding and approval to complete a few more related designs.
I need the logo to be used in 5 ways:
1. iTunes Store > several sizes and displays needed
2. Evernote Trunk
3. Business Card
4. Website
5. Letter head
This means the logo will be adapted and sized differently for the 5 ways.
Ayiex, is this OK with you for the 5 adaptations of the logo?
If yes, great then you are the winner.
Here are some things for you to review:
1. iTunes Store:
This is very informative:
https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconsImages/IconsImages.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006556-CH14-SW1I need you to submit the logo mark at the dimensions Apple requests, and they take care of turning it into an icon! Specifically for displaying on the App Store, and on the iPad. So the iTunes logo mark will have all the design without the rounded corners applied. Apple will do the corners, cropping.
Needed are the application icon, App Store icon, Launch image, small icon for spotlight search results and Settings.
See the column Size for iPad (in pixels) 72x72, 512x512, 1024x748, 50x50, 29x29
Please review this whole webpage about Apple’s requirements.
2. Evernote
This is an icon complete WITH rounded corners final size is 175 x 175 pixels. We can use your design #149 in this way.
3,4,5 Business Card, Website, Letter head
These will include a few variations on 149, 178. We can exchange further emails about this.