#53 is very nice, love the colors, i like the fonts alot better. maybe if u try putting the message bubble at the edge of the G rather then the middle of it. Also making the slogan more readable. Im not to fond of the paw the to be completely honest. Can you try some symbol to represent homedogg. maybe making some curvy vector symbol to make a HD
Try some new things, im sorry everyone that i am so picky, it just needs to be perfect and i understand that could be hard as I am not even 100% sure what im looking for. I dont want it cartoon looking, and i dont want it thugish looking "just bc the name homedogg, its Homedogg, not home dawg lol."
You are all the professionals and i trust your judgement. Bare in mind this site is going to be specifically for the user to find home services. landscapers, pool cleaner, contractor, architect, plumber, interior designer, carpenter, ect....
Thanks for your time, hope this info helps