HelpfulDrivers.comLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 152 designs from 17 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by schnabbelbob Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn Prefers others. #19 Withdrawn Prefers others. #11 Withdrawn Prefers others. #7 Discussion scottamt Client #7 This is a good basic concept, however, its needs to be more colorful. More green in the design and I don't really care for the box. Can you give me a couple of other designs? 15 years ago scottamt Client #11 is getting close to what we have in mind. I need brighter colors and the 888-60-DRIVER has to be much bolder. Plus, I don't really like that particular van. I like having a van in the logo, just not that one. Keep up the good work! 15 years ago