GoUtah.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / GoUtah.com

GoUtah.com has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 89 designs from 24 different designers from around the world.








































Prefers others.


Logo Designer
my first submissions (the blue ones) show a more playful side...the swooshes and arrows show social networking/interaction. let me know if i can improve on any of these for you. thanks.

(This comment references Entry #21)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
this is a more sophisticated version...also more simple. the interlocking elipses again represent social interaction.

(This comment references Entry #24)
15 years ago
#22 has a good feeling about it. I do like the swooshes and motion/activity that it portrays. Like the shadowing. Would like to incorporate our slogan in the design, which is "We mean Utah business." Also, initially I felt like the black borders were perhaps too heavy...but maybe feel this way especially about the words GoUtah.com. Would like to experiment with different approaches here. Also, want to make sure logo reproduces well in black and white, and wondering about going to a more simple treatment of the actual company name...just ideas. Might also like to see the utah/swoosh design in a more apple-esque glossy treatment. I take it that the dot in the middle represents a target---my only concern initially was that it might represent a city in the middle of nowhere utah. Wonder how it would look more like a real target---but without encroaching on the Target Stores look?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
sure no problem. i will work up a few more layouts. i also had the initial idea of this being glossy, but wanted to run the idea past you before implementing the effects. i have also thought about black and white reproduction (always do) and i think i will look great in BW even with the thick outline. i will upload a BW version too so you can see. i will also make adjustments with the target area.

thanks for the feedback!

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there,
here are the new submissions. i actually took out the target because, you can see, in the negative space between all the arrows an 'X' is formed....like 'X' marks the spot...like Utah is the spot to do business/social networking. it was a nice surprise and i think it works really well, much stronger even than the target (and its not city/location specific). let me know what you think. also, if you have any color change suggestions, i'd be happy to implement them to let you see what i'd look like. thanks. Kyle

(This comment references Entry #26)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is the BW version. i think it looks really good and can be reproduced very well for BW newspaper ads, etc. a "shiny" effect-filled version is to come in the near future.....

(This comment references Entry #27)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is a version with effects

(This comment references Entry #28)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is a one color version

(This comment references Entry #29)
15 years ago
Looking good. I like the "x" that you've uncovered. Makes sense. Prefer either the floating shadow or no shadow over the reflection. So, like #26, but would like to try with gray shadow and no shadow. Also like what I see in the black and white #27 and single color version #29. Am I to assume that the single color version #29 also has white around the "GoUtah.com" wording? If so, would you show me that same one on a darker background---something that might look good as an embroidery on a shirt/hat, etc.?
15 years ago
Also interested in seeing some glossy work like #28, but on white background. Haven't done much web/print work on the darker background. Looks good, but curious as to what we could do on a white background?
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here are the color versions with the shadow and with no effect.

(This comment references Entry #35)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
for the single color version, i actually didn't have a white outline, but i took the liberty of making a version with and with out it. i actually think the one without the white outline is a little cleaner, but the outlined version works too. you're right that this would be the best version to use if you were going to get shirts embroidered. here they both are on a black background.

(This comment references Entry #37)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is the white version with the effects. actually a version with effects would probably be beneficial to you only on the web (that is where it would look best). it looks better on the web because its in RGB-- alittle of the luster of the colors is lost when its translated to CMYK for printing, but, of course, i would get all of these versions to pick and choose from as you see fit.

let me know if i can show you anything else. Thanks,


(This comment references Entry #39)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
this one just has a subtle drop shadow to make it pop a bit...just showing you another option.

(This comment references Entry #44)
15 years ago
Kyle--I like that drop shadow on #44 and also the subtle glossiness on the state shape. Let's keep the shadow, but increase the glossiness of the state shape. Is that workable? Seems like the gloss curve carries over into the GoUtah.com text, which is maybe why you have it lower on the shape. Moving this to my favorite for now.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is one with your latest requests. i increased the "glossiness" and carried it over from the state to the text. also added some slight glossiness to the top and right arrow (since they fall into the "glossy" area) to give it a little more depth. hope you like it.

Just FYI i am going to be out of town until Sunday afternoon, so feel free to let me know anything else you want to see and i will work that in sometime after i get back.

have a nice weekend. Kyle

(This comment references Entry #49)
15 years ago
Kyle--enjoy your weekend. I like #49, but I think I might prefer just having some gloss on the Utah shape and keeping the gloss less evident on the GoUtah.com like it is on #44. Just feel like it's too harsh on the GoUtah.com part...very orange on the text.
15 years ago
Also, have been experimenting with using the new logo in the header area of my website. I find that I have to resize it to have the Utah shape fit and therefore end up with the company name and slogan too small. I experimented with shrinking the utah shape and keeping the company name/slogan larger and it looks better on the website. Would be interested in seeing something from you that does this as part of the logo.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi Jim,
i saw your comments and have made a few more options to accommodate the website header. here is a version with the words a little larger than they were previously, like you suggested. (also i think i have the right combo of higher gloss on the state graphic and less on the actual words....

(This comment references Entry #59)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
also i was thinking a horisontal layout for the words might work for your header as well. here is what that might look like. keep in mind that i can give you multiple layout options to use as you see fit.

(This comment references Entry #60)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is the same proportions as the original, with the updated glossy look.

(This comment references Entry #61)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
also for the horizontal layout option, i like how the word Utah from your slogan fits directly above the U in you company name...i think it draws more attention to it. #60
15 years ago
Kyle--liking #61, but wondering about increasing the size of the slogan a bit, so that the bold "Utah" doesn't get so mashed up. I'm sure my concerns about it are mostly in on-screen/web environments, as it print clearly on paper...but would still like to try it.

#59--I do get drawn to the slogan---but before I even can read the company name, so I still prefer the slogan down below. Wouldn't mind seeing a version like that, again--increasing the slogan size just a bit.
15 years ago
#61 - One other thing. Will you add a TM (trademark) symbol in somewhere? It's not a registered trademark, so no (r), but would like a small TM incorporated on it somewhere.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here are 3 more mock-ups based on your latest requests. the TM has been added and the slogan is now larger. i also kerned the letters in Utah in the slogan a little farther apart so it doesn't get smooshed together (visually).

(This comment references Entry #62)
14 years ago
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