GeddupLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Geddup

Geddup has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 363 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.
















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Logo Designer
Thank you very much for the balloon images.. :) I really appreciate it! I will see what I can do to refine the design!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
New balloon based on your references :) #334
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I was wondering, did you want more or fewer panels? Are we getting closer with this balloon design? :)
12 years ago
#334 is good don't you think? Do you want to see how it flies in the app icon box?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Jupp.. Coming right up :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#335 & #336 - App icon - Anything you want to change on these two just let me know? :)
12 years ago
Jupp? Is that like pronounced yupp? If it is can I use it?

I think that is getting close - just the basket that is worrying me. It is kind of like a block of red against the delicacy of the canopy. Is there something we can do with it? Either add woven texture to it (and thereby break up the blockyness) or tone down the colour. Is the first option possible?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Anything is possible :)
And I'll get on it a bit later.. Im on my way to an outdoor consert with Metallica now :)) But Ill be back later on..

And yes, Jupp is norwegian and its all yours to use ;D

12 years ago
Could I ask for one more permutation on the colours too? Could we try it without the white border between panels? My question is simply how would it look? I'm hoping this isn't too hard to do? As an alternative, we could try making the white border even thinner?

12 years ago
A Metallica concert! Enjoy...

Talk to you tomorrow. I'm going to bed.
12 years ago
Hey Anne,

I'm really happy with where this icon is at. If you could soften the basket that would be great. If it isn't too labour intensive, it'd be good to see the same design with thinner or no white lines.

The other consideration is that an icon must be square. With the balloon sneaking out the top of the box, one way to handle this is to slightly truncate the box (so that it is a rectangle not a square). The point being that the square of the icon needs to encompass the top of the balloon. Presumably, the balloon will dominate and people won't notice that the box is not exactly square? Alternatively, the top of the balloon gets chopped off. What do you think?

Hope your ears have stopped ringing.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Rohan!

Yes my ears have stopped ringing.. Lol.. Im glad you liked the new balloon, I like it best of them all too.. :)
Its not a problem white the white lines, nor the basket case.. I'll get right on it!

The app icon we can work with, but my idea actually came from an app on my iPhone that have a circle that comes out of its box.. So Im guessing on apps thats okay? But we can work more with that after we got the balloon perfect with the lines and basket.. :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#339 - No lines and with soften basket
#340 - Very thin lines with soften basket
12 years ago
Which one do you prefer Anne?

I know this is fiddly - could we see one with the bottom of the balloon in red but the basket in orange - so as to bring out the contrast?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#341 - With red bottom

Hmm.. I really dont know.. I think maybe #339.. I think its really beautiful.. Love the colors!!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
But then again when I look at #340 the thin lines kind of defines the panels better..
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#342 - Another version on the bottom and basket - Combination of red and orange
12 years ago
Hmm. We must be getting close.

No lines just edges out thin lines - the thin lines sometimes kind of vibrate on the screen.

Think I like red at the bottom of the balloon as it seems to close off all those panels in a stronger fashion.

The basket seems better as a lighter colour - or at least not so strong as that red. #342 is better. Maybe try the burnt orange colour that is on the panel 4th from the right? I dunno.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
#343 - Basket in color from 4th panel from the right :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Im hearing my bed is calling me.. ;) Its almost morning over here.. Would it be okay if we continued with tweeks on the balloon tomorrow?
12 years ago
Apologies - I hadn't looked at the time in your part of the world. Thanks for your staying up.

I think the balloon is beautiful and there isn't much more we can do in any event.

Talk tomorrow.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you and dont worry about the staying up.. I love working on this design, so its actually hard to close my mac.. But my eyes wont work anymore at this time.. :)

Have a wonderful day!

Talk more tomorrow!

12 years ago
Hi Anne,

Just to tell you what's happening. I'm really happy with the design - and would like to proceed with getting it finalised. However, my business partner is still keen to explore the dandelion design (#254) by zrox. We expect some iterations on this sometime today (US time).

I hope to have some news for you tomorrow. For the moment though we have everything we need.
I'm going to get an really night. We'll talk tomorrow.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you Rohan, and of course I understand that you want to explore all possebilities.
Just let me know if there is anything more I can do for you!

I will be here :)

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Rohan :)

Im still playing around with the balloon and made one that has fewer panels on it.. A little bit more quiet look..
And with GEDDUP added - #355

Hope you and your partner are doing great! :)

All the best,
12 years ago
Hi Anne,

Apologies for the quiet. It's been a busy weekend and I'm waiting to talk to Adrian. I'll come back to you tomorrow morning.

I think you are right with the less busy canopy by the way. Anyway, we'll talk tomorrow.
12 years ago
Hi Anne,

We would like to select your design - well done! Hopefully you will see it floating around the internet in a couple of years time.

Before we award the prize to you, can we finalise a couple of variations, so that we can use the logo across formats? What we would like, if possible, is:

1) The balloon by itself (like in #334)
2) As an app icon (like #343)
3) With text "GEDDUP" - as a banner
4) With text "GEDDUP" and tagline "Free your time" - as a banner

For the font, we are attracted to the symmetry and fine lines of fonts like Futura. The best example from the contest was in design #254. It was the roundness of the G and the slightly off centre E that works with that.

Is this all okay? Tell me if its unclear or doesn't work.
Thanks and congratulations

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Rohan :)

Im truly honored! And very very happy!!! Cant wait till I see it floating around!!! :)
Its not a problem at all to send you the logo in "pieces" in addition to the whole logo! But in here I can only upload one design, so I have to sende all additional files to your private email if thats fine by you?
(I always send a package with all kinds of files for print, screen and in black/ white after winning a contests so that works great).

Do you want me to upload some versions with new fonts first? If so, do you want me to use the design ranked as 2 to try out the fonts?

Thanks a millon again! You just made my day ;)

All the best,
12 years ago
All good Anne. I hadn't realised there was restrictions on how designs were uploaded.

Yep, if you could use the 2nd ranked one that would be great. I'm running in and out of the office, so will catch them when I can.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thats great! :)

I have uploaded some versions with the new fonts:


Let me know what you think :)

12 years ago

Hmm - maybe #357?

One interesting thing from this view of the design, I think it loses some of the 'escape the box' effect when the box itself is simply a red line (as opposed to raised edges and background colour in the box).

In any event, all good. Did you want to move to email for the rest? Then I can go ahead and award the prize and close the competition...

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Good morning,

I have uploaded a version with #357 font and with the same icon as the app entry.. :)
Let me know how this one look, I would like to have the perfect logo finished in here so I know whitch one to send as pieces for app icon etc. (I have 60 different logo files on this design now, so its good to have one specific that we agree on to go by :)

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the latest version - #360
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#361 - Lighter font
12 years ago
HiHo Anne,

Hope it's another lovely warm day in Oslo.

#360 with the heavier font please. Would you like me to rank that one first or does it not matter?

12 years ago
Sorry, pushed the send button too quickly:

So to summarise - could we get that base design with:

1) The balloon by itself (like in #334)
2) As an app icon (like #343)
3) With text "GEDDUP" - as a banner
4) With text "GEDDUP" and tagline "Free your time" - as a banner

And (if you are feeling generous!), with the original concept that grabbed my imagination with the U being lifted away at an angle - like #143 - in fact, I'd be happy with #143 as is, if it was going to be too fiddly to replace the balloon etc...

Is that going to be okay?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hiho Rohan :)

#360 - Its the final one?
I uploaded versions with the mirror effect too..
No, I dont think that would matter.. I would love to have just the icon on the first row on my page :)

Okay, nothing else you want to see? Are we there?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes thats no problem :) Can I just ask what you mean exact with banner.. You mean only the text GEDDUP and GEDDUP with tagline?
12 years ago
That damn delay - #363 with mirror effect wins! Fantastic.

I'm going to rank that as 1st and then ensure other designers make up the top 10.

In terms of the banners - I'm just trying to make it easier for myself. If you give me the pieces, I can always move them around etc. using Inkscape. But I figure you will be able to do this about 100 times faster than me. So if you can, what we'd like is to have a banner where the logo (the app icon) is on the left and the text is on the right - first with just 'Geddup' and then with 'Geddup' and the tagline underneath. If it doesn't make sense, don't worry too much about it...

Thanks for all your help.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, no problem!

Thanks a million again! Im so happy that I recieved the invitation to your contest! :)

Im gonna upload the one ranked 1st here on LT and send you the rest.. Please remember to approve the files if they are ok in here..

Do you have an email for me?

Thank you Rohan! Its been an absolute pleasure to work with you!! Say hi to your partner from me :)

All the best,
12 years ago

It has been a pleasure to work with you - and I'm so glad that we found you too!

My home email address is best - it is cochranhouse(at)

12 years ago
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