GeddupLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Geddup

Geddup has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 363 designs from 34 different designers from around the world.
















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Logo Designer

Thank you very much for the kind words and inviting me to your contest! :)
My first entry contains the zeppeliner consept.. Hope you like it and I will be happy to modify if you have any other suggestions for colors, fonts or layout etc.

Kind regards,
12 years ago
Thanks for these Anne.

Where we are at is working to find a icon that will work on at 50x50px and that offers the latitude to scale up to poster size. Have a few promising candidates but still looking.

The images that seem to work are balloons, flying figures, arrows and zeppelins. The idea is to align with feelings of lightness and being freed from info overload. Any other ideas would be welcomed.

Embedding or hiding a "G", "Up" or "Geddup" in the logo has merit, though we are not stuck on the idea. One of the reasons #12 works is because of the contrast between the G and arrow.

Hope that helps and w look forward to any thoughts you might have.
12 years ago
Logo Designer

Thank you very much for your feedback! It helps a lot :)
I have submitted another version with the consept of the hot air balloon lifts the U up and away..

Please let me know what you think and if you like it, ill be happy to continue working on the design/ font etc. :)

Thank you,
12 years ago
That's really beautiful - and somehow very tangible, I can sense the U getting lifted off its perch. Great idea, well executed!

How would you remodel this as an icon (i.e.. mobile sized whether its 100x100 or smaller). Or maybe we shouldn't mess this image like that?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much! :)

Hmm.. I will do some sketching about the 100x100 image and see what I can come up with..

Can I please just ask? Are you thinking it to be like an app icon?

12 years ago
Exactly - it's a retail business that lives in the real world (i.e. up to poster scale in shops and clubs), but is predominantly mobile based (hence, the app icon). It's a challenge...

12 years ago
I like it Anne. Think I should get some feedback from colleagues. Thanks for coming back with that.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you ! :) Im so glad you like it!

Another approach on the app icon - The hot air balloon with the U is actually trying to leave the little app box heading for its freedom into the blue light skies ;)
12 years ago
Just spent some time googling images of hot air balloons - there is plenty of scope to play with the image over time. It's also got great movement. And is very definitively in sync with the feel of Geddup. In short, it's really good. Thanks...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I do agree that you will have a lot to play on with this icon.. Both in 2D and 3D.
Please just let me know if there is anything more I can do for you, if you want to see any variations on color, font etc.

12 years ago
Hi Anne,

Got plenty of positive feedback on your design. Everyone loves it - and the balloon escaping the icon box was a favourite.

For variations, without taking away from the lovely lightness of the image, could I get you to try multiple colours in the canopy (is that what you call the balloon part of a hot air balloon)? Not sure it will work but would be interested in seeing what you think.

One other thing that could be good to see is what it would look like as a silhouette. My guess is that it would need the wordmark and the balloon for it to be recognisable. Maybe an alternative in this scenario would be to have a G on the canopy?

Finally, we would like to explore fonts. We have uploaded a file into the contest brief folder that has some we like - they are all taken from under the tag 1920's. If you have any ideas about alternatives to the font that you have used, it'd be good to see some comparisons. Certainly, the lightness of the font that you have used is perfectly complimentary to the balloon image, so not suggesting that it must be changed.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Rohan,

Thank you, Im very happy that you got positive feedback on the design :)
I will make some variations based on your comments and upload them as soon as finished!

12 years ago
Meant to say Anne - we would like to try adding a byline "Free your time" to see how the fonts etc work with Geddup and the image. If you are okay to try this that would be appreciated.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, thats no problem! Im a bit busy with meetings this afternoon, but will do all the changes later tonight.. :)

Have a great day!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Rohan,

I got some time in between here so here comes first variation based on your comments:

As a silhouette - #258

Ps. I have done some work on the balloon to make the parts equal and more perfect to eachother. Just let me know if you prefer the old one or the new one.

Other revisions are coming as soon as finished :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
New balloon - #259
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Color variations - #260 - #261 - #262 - #263 - #264 - #265
(Let me know if you want to see more color combos)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
G on the canopy - #266
(Im not sure that this will work)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Bellrose font - #267
12 years ago
Logo Designer
With tagline - #268 - #269
12 years ago
Morning Anna,

Thanks for all these. If you have the time could you create a version of #258 with the old balloon (#147) and with the new balloon (#263) - the extra line done the centre works in the B&W silhouette but not so much in colour.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, but can I just ask if you mean to show #147 and #263 as silhouettes? Or #258 in colors from #147 and #263 with new and old balloon?

Sorry, I think I got a bit confused now.. Lol.
12 years ago
Just trying to work out what is happening visually - somehow the extra thickness of the lines can make the canopy look like the segments of an orange (if you know what I mean). I now see that there isn't an extra line at all for the most part - ie. your original designs has the same 5 lines. Interesting how the effect can be quite different with such a small change.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, I know.. I did see that too.. Too me the balloon in #260 to #263 have the best lines from new ballon thou..
12 years ago
Just coming to the same conclusion. Removing the line down the middle somehow makes the balloon less likely to pop!
12 years ago
I missed your question at 5.11pm above. I think if we just had #263 with the tagline added from #258 that be great. We'll move that to number 1!

The outstanding question then is whether it is better to have thinner lines. They tend to make the balloon more delicate - and in the colour versions tend not to jar (on my screen there is a small distortion shimmering effect when I move down the page.)

Hope that clears it up.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you!
Btw, did you see #270? On this one I have added the balloon from #263
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#272 - Thinner lines
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, I mean #271
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Im thinking that it might be easier if we focus on form and lines in black first, and when that is perfect we can explore with colors.. What do you think?
12 years ago
It's a bit like talking on an old phone system - there is a bit of a delay.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes I totally agree! Lol..
12 years ago
Yes, agree with your suggestion.

I think we have enough to work on for now anyway. I'm meeting with my colleagues today, so I'll get there feedback - hopefully we can make a decision and then get into final design choices.

Thanks for all your work Anne.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
You are more then welcome! Its really a pleasure to work with you and your contest!
Its night time here in Norway soon, but Im online again tomorrow for revisions if you have any from after talking to your partners :)

Have a wonderful day!

Thank you,
12 years ago
Hi Anne,

Met with the guys - they like your balloon. Two comments that came up:
1) We would like to see warmer colours (oranges) - blue is too corporate and cold for the business.
2) One of us hadn't got the balloon until it was explained. They had seen a pencil drawing a balloon shape - ie. the triangle between the U and balloon formed the nib. Crazy thing is once they said that, we all saw a pencil. Could you have a look at that.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Rohan :)

Yes I do see a pencil my self now.. I will do some tweeking and upload more color versions in warmer colors!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
#279 - #280 - #281
How do these work.. Any better?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#303 & #304
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#312 - #313 - #314

Some color versions for you.. The possibiities are endless with beautiful color combinations :)
12 years ago
Morning Anne (or evening I guess).

Thanks for these. I think we have enough to make a decision (note that the LT clock is wrong, it should read 1 day and 3 hours... they are working on it).

We are split over the balloon and dandelion.

In short, both are really evocative of the business. The balloon probably offers more scope for variations. The dandelion is very zen. There is some resistance about having the balloon linked to the 'U' and concerns that the balloon tied to the text takes too much space.

Your app icon is what does it for me (#142) - the balloon escaping the frame is really clever. I also like the U being lifted at an angle out of Geddup (#143).

Not sure there is more that you can do. The only missing element is the 15x15 favicon. Maybe a glimpse of how that might work would help.

I'll keep you posted - we are awaiting on some iterations on the dandelion that should clear things up.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Rohan,

Thank you, I was actually thinking that my design might be able to be split from the text if nessecery as an icon (something like the app icon maybe) beside the GEDDUP text.

Just let me know if you want me to do some variations of this or if thers some tweeking on the existing design that you want to see.

In the meantime I can do some thinking on the favicon :)

12 years ago

If you have any ideas on the two separated, it would be good to see them - the pencil and U was definitely a stumbling block.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, I'll do some variations and upload as soon as possible! :)

I understand your consern about the pencil.. But I hope that the new versions like #312 made the pencil go away!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Just throwing out another idea - Simple, but effectful - #324
12 years ago
I think we just need to focus on optimising the balloon if that's okay
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree.. :) I have uploaded some versions with the icon..
12 years ago
Interesting - comparing #325 with #147.

#325 has lost some of its ballooness. It is rounder and with fatter lines looks heavier. Also, we see less of the basket - which maybe needs a texture of its own to help identify it?

I prefer #147 - overall it is more refined. The neck of the balloon is slender. The feeling of escaping from the box more pronounced - maybe because we see more of the basket (visually the escape is already well progressed).

Does that help? In short, I'd like to see thinner lines between the segments of the canopy and a more tapered neck into the basket. And maybe more of the basket - perhaps making it thinner again.

Thanks Anne
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I see your point :) Im having a lot of balloon files on my mac, so I think I made it from the wrong file..
I have uploaded a new one, on this I used the old balloon and only changed colors and filled the basket.

How does this look now you think - #330 compared to #142 ?
I feel that the one in orange even look a bit lighter then the one in blue?

12 years ago
Hi Anne,

I'd like to get the balloon more refined, more textured. As a start, I've loaded up some balloon images into the briefing folder.

Design A and Design B - show different types of real balloon designs. One thing that stands out versus our balloon is the connection between basket and balloon. The other difference is that even in the wider panel version they squeeze in one more panel on each side. What is interesting to consider is how to add texture to the canopy. The thinner panels clearly give more latitude.

Design F - is a beautiful image in our favoured colours. This might be a good design to model our balloon off.

Designs E and D - are just included to show different designs. There was another that was kind of interesting that had an art deco design climbing up its canopy, but I figured it was better to leave it to you to take the lead if we were to explore other shapes.

In any event, what we'd like to do is to make sure the shape of the balloon works (and in this sense, it is probably sensible to abstract directly from the actual physical design). And then agree on a design scheme that is both beautiful and practical.

Is this all okay?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I see that #330 lost some its inside shadow, here it is with just as much as #142

12 years ago
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