Tell a friend. Get a deal.
What We Do
To gain access to our amazing local deals, users must share the deals with their friends using popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, or email--helping deals to spread rapidly and giving local businesses a quick and affordable way to tap into the social graph of our users.
Color Preferences
Open to anything. Obvious choices include things like blue (color used by most big social networks) and green (we are talking about saving money here). That being said--we'll consider other colors. We are still early-stage, so no existing lock-ins to company colors, etc.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
To help you design the best logo, here's a short summary of how our business works: Businesses (usually local) promote great deals which are sent to our users each day via a single email and promoted on our website, Facebook page, and Twitter. If a user wants to get a particular deal, he/she has to share the deal with friends via Facebook, Twitter, or email....and then we deliver a deal voucher/coupon to the user's email inbox. If the user's friends then want access to the same deal, they have to also share the deal. is free for our users and they don't pay anything to get a voucher/coupon--they just have to share the deal. Hence our slogan: Tell a friend. Get a deal. Please note: We will also need a square image that we can use as our Facebook/Twitter thumbnail. We don't have any logo or colors that we are tied to right now. We threw something simple up on our site/fb page...but don't like it---so don't let that be your guide.