Fortis Wind Energy - U.S.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Fortis Wind Energy - U.S.

Fortis Wind Energy - U.S. has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 249 designs from 32 different designers from around the world.
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Wow, thank you. That is really great. I enjoyed looking through the rest of your submissions for other contests. All very unique and original. Seems like some people just resubmit with different colors and letters, but you clearly but some thought into these.

As for feedback, I'm not really sure. I'm terrible with this design stuff which is why I need your help! What if the line representing the earth was green? Maybe a leaf or an earth inside the house? (I'm sure you're cringing at these corny suggestions, but I'm just typing whatever comes to mind... I'm not saying it is great!)

Maybe blur the blades to show they are spinning? Maybe the "wind" lines could be a bit thinner (or is there some minimum thickness to make sure it still shows up when scaled down?).

One thing to consider, these turbines are not installed directly next to a home because of noise, vibration, and safety. So maybe showing the turbine spaced from the home by at least a small distance would help make the depiction be more accurate. And what does it look like if the relative sizes are more accurate? House about 20 feet tall, turbine about 20 feet in diameter, and tower at least 100 feet tall? Probably looks terrible for a logo.

Thank you for your submission. I would love to see some more logos from you if you have any other ideas.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. I incorporated some of your ideas into this revision. Some of the scale ideas just didn't seem to work well in this design. This logo is only meant to be partially realistic. I was mainly trying to emphasize the close relationship between the home and the wind turbine. Please let me know if this version works better for you.

(This comment references Entry #28)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
A different blade idea.

(This comment references Entry #30)
14 years ago
I didn't think the ratios would work, but I thought I would throw it out there. I certainly agree with you about the close relationship and I think you've shown that very well.
Thanks for your submissions. #30 is certainly in my top 3 right now. I will be ranking soon.
14 years ago
If you put the blades from #62 on your #14, you might have a winner. I understand your turbine is small, but the other guys I work with would really like to see a more accurate representation of the shape of the blades... but everyone really likes #14.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. I changed the blade design to look more realistic. Let me know if you want any other changes. Thanks

(This comment references Entry #63)
14 years ago
I'm really getting nit picky here, but could the blades be a bit (~10%) shorter and the tower a bit taller (~10%)? This would push the center of the turbine up but I think you can make that work. Also if the tower was just slightly to the left... maybe one or two tower-widths?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Let me know if this works for you.

(This comment references Entry #68)
14 years ago
That looks great. Please don't remove your other entries because I still need to get feedback from the guys I work with. Thank you for your efforts.
14 years ago
We all love #95. How about Fortis being green? And can you steal the idea of the window from the other submission? I think the little window looks cool, but if you're not comfortable adding it to your design, I understand.
14 years ago
14 years ago
I have one last round of revisions for you that will make this design perfect. If you could please try to incorporate these before the end of the contest, I would appreciate it very much.
- Starting point is design #97.
- All the lettering should be blue.
- The lettering should be a slightly softer font... not TOO rounded, but something not quite as sharp. I don't like stealing ideas from other designers, but the F in #155 is appealing to me. Yours doesn't need to be rounded as much, but that is the general idea.
- The "earth" should be green.
- The hyphen between wind and US should be something else... maybe a small square, solid or hollow. Maybe a small dot, small triangle. What do you think would look cool?
- The U.S. must have the periods after each letter.
Maybe there should be a very thin white line between the house and the earth? Or maybe it should stay connected? Something for you to consider. Same would apply to the earth and the turbine as well I think.
- The tower holding up the turbine should be 10-20% thinner.
- Please make sure that all three blades have the same cut-out profile near the center... It might just be the rough preview, but the lower right blade seems to be uniform thickness all the way down to the center. The blades need to have the shape of design #73. But I love the length, I love the position, I love the view of the tail... don't change any of that.
- Last thing... maybe as a new layout, we would really like to see your image smaller and over to the left of the words. This would make it very similar to the layout of some of the other entries, but it would be great to see.

I hope all of that is clear. Feel free to write back asking for more detail if you need it.
Many thanks again for your efforts. We are going to be very pleased to have your design as our new company logo.
14 years ago
I think the FORTIS on 191 is much to thick and large... doesn't balance as well with the image.

14 years ago
Thanks for all the great designs. I will rank you #1 tomorrow so you can submit any last minute designs. Then I'm meeting with the rest of the guys in the company Wednesday or Thursday to make a decision.

Good luck and thanks again.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are some font ideas.

(This comment references Entry #217)
14 years ago
Awesome. Thanks again.
14 years ago
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