HI mazarian,
please notice that the idea/concept of ds (small letter) inside emblem with border and blue color first submitted by me.
I wish you can be wise enough to eliminate any designs that have too much similarity. Please consider them as variation. we are not looking for variations of my design from other designer who can represent best font or effect inside the emblem.
I have asked 2 other designers to recall their designs. one of them accepted and other refuse. I will run a logo court against him to fight my concept if you won't eliminate his design (kamoelyan). But i need confimation from you first. I want to solve this peacefully.
as you can see before i submit my design, no one came with that idea... so the idea is unique enough. and the first designer who copy mine is #16. but before I message him, I saw you're not interested on his design. so I ignore it.
please appreciate my effort to enter your contest early and bring something new. therefore I want you to ask every other designer to come with different ideas Otherwise the next designs that you will receive until contest ended is the similar ds inside emblem.