The color scheme is good however I would like to see some different variations such as the colors on #21. I have decided that any of the logos that had a face built into it were not what I was looking for. Remember the most important element of this logo is that we are STABLE, PROFESSIONAL, SIMPLE AND CLEAN. Our actual website domain is, therefore I have been impressed with the logos that include our domain. Obviously we don't want www on the logo and commoncentsbusiness does not all need to be combined in one word. A good example of what I do like is entry #8, however, entry # 3 looks very smooth and that entry did have wrapping around the icon. In that situation if you find a creative way to apply one word in a Logo I am always interested to see how it turns out. Bright, clean, fresh colors are great. Don't be afraid to mix it up though. The orange and gray looks good. Blue, white, gray looks good. Blue,green,gray looks good. Maybe try the same green with a gray. REMEMBER, SIMPLE & CLEAN. :)