Coastal Marine & OutdoorsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Coastal Marine & Outdoors

Coastal Marine & Outdoors has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 170 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.














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Logo Designer
Is there a specific type of boat/service you sell the most? General rec, fishing, yachting, ect.

Any additional info will help in designing your logo.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Also. If you want to target fishing boat prospects what type of fish do you go after in AU?
11 years ago
Hi Brian,

Can we please add the birds to entry #71? Also can you make 'marine & outdoors' the same length as the 'coastal'

11 years ago
Also, can we see it in a few different shades of blue...

11 years ago
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your designs. Not sure if you saw our last comment about seeing the 'COASTAL' in #82 and #83 in different shades of colour. Perhaps stronger/deeper colours to help the logo stand out and grab the customer's attention. We're loving the designs and layouts but are just concerned it won't stand out with the current colour palette.

Please don't withdraw your current designs as they are defintiely still under consideration.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know if these shades are working ya. I added a small fish detail on the tail of the "&" sign for you to think about. It can be removed.

You will also be able to use the "O" boat mark by itself on other marketing materials for a strong stand alone iconic symbol.

Anyway. Just let me know what you think and I will update the designs accordingly.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
I can add a fish in another area of the design also if it something the is a must for the logo.
11 years ago
Thanks Brian for updating your designs with our feedback.

At this point we like #110 and #105. We haven't had enough time to think about your latest design (#112) with the additional fish up the top. Shall think it over today.

Is it possible for you to play with the "MARINE & OUTDOORS" #110 and #105 slightly to see if we can get the text a little larger?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing. Let me see what I can come up with tonight.

If you think of anything last minute you want to see, just let me know..I'll be around all night..err.. day for you :)
11 years ago
Thanks Brian. Loving the concept of #114. Would you mind trying it in the colours of #105 please?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem Joel. Glad you like it!
11 years ago

Congratulations Brian! Or perhaps not...

We understand during this process you're allowed to submit revisions... does this mean you can sumit more entries? Or can you only withdraw one and then re-submit?

We've had some friends provide some feedback and wouldn't mind if you could please try out a few of the following points using #139 as your base -
1. As a trial, could you please see what it'd look like if you alinged the "MARINE & OUTDOORS" with the edge of the 'C' and the edge of the sea after the 'L'. Currently it looks like the second line is just in line with the "Coastal"... which may look the best but would love to see the options.
2. Could you also please show the "&" in the same size font.
3. It's only just occured to us that same may misconstrue the boat in the "O" as an "E" so if you could please play around with that a bit more such as trying it with a smaller boat, or make the boat flat/level/horizontal and less raised.
4. What if we tried the birds on the other side of the "O" so it's not conflicting with the fishing line.

Happy to work with any of your suggestions.
11 years ago
Sorry, we also forgot to ask if you could please look at the shape of the marlin fish to try make it more easily identifiable.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. Let me know what you think of #154 .

-aligned the tag line
-shrunk the "&"
-adjusted the boat so the right side of the "O" is visible and gives it a more of a complete circle.
-moved the birds..looks much better and I should have done that to begin with.
-scaled down and raised the marlin out of the water to it is more definable.

Let me know what you think.

11 years ago
Thanks mate. Loving the changes on both #154 and #155. Especially the boat and the placement of the birds.

Although I'm not sure about the alignment of the tag line (which was our suggestion). Will give it some further thought and let you know.

I guess the only feedback for the moment is if you could please change the colour of "Marine & Outdoors" in #154 and #155 to the same blue as in #139. Not sure if it's just my eyes but the blue in the new designs looks a little paler.

Again, thanks very much for taking on our suggestions. Much appreciated :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Good catch with the text color. It was pretty late last night and don't think my eyes were working anymore haha .

Check out the latest...
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me know if there are any more updates you want to see.
11 years ago
Hey Brian,

With entry #157, we like the new shape of the marlin compared with #137. However, would you mind playing with the marlin a little bit so we don't see his tail fin coming out of the water. As it's so small it sort of distracts our eye.

With entry #156, do you think we should play with the placement of the marlin a little bit to show the whole fish rather than it being cut off by the letters?

Also, we think you were right with your original alignment of "Marine & Outdoors" to be in line with "Coastal". Would you mind changing back, please?

Thanks heaps for reworking your designs with our feedback. Much appreciated.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem. I will get to them tonight for you.
11 years ago
Hey Brian,

Working with Entry #158, would you mind reworking the end of the fishing line/hook a bit? Now that we've focused on the logo the shape of the end of line has become distracting.

Thank you.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll do that now. If you have a specific lure or bait you would like to see just let me know know.
11 years ago
Hi Mate,
Sorry to be a pain,looking at #163, can we go back to the original fish as in #139 but add the little bit of blue in his top fin and shorten the 'marine & outdoors' back to the same length as 'coastal' please (per #158)?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
No Worries. I want to get it perfect for you !
11 years ago
Hi Mate,
#164 is good but i just noticed that the boat in the o is back to the bigger size again so maybe we just use #167 but make the lure slightly smaller as in #164

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Yeah . I caught that too . check out #167 #166
11 years ago
Lets use #167 but put the slightly smaller lure from #164.
Sorry to be so picky but we promise this will be the last change...
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#168 you got it!
11 years ago
That's the one... was about to end the contest and noticed that the 'marine & outdoors' finishes slightly past the l in coastal, can you just align that and that's really it this time haha...
11 years ago
Logo Designer
haha no worries. I just posted two. Once everything is updated I will start putting together your final files and try to get them up loaded before I call it quits for the night .
11 years ago
All done and selected.
Thank you very much for time, creativity and most of all patience throughout this process..

Joel & Katherine...
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks so much, Joel and Katherine. It was a fun project and I am VERY happy with the final product!

I have uploaded the file to Logo Tournament for you to review and approve (I do not get paid until you approve them :) . I also wanted to give you my email address if you need any other formats/sizes in the future or are ever in need of other design work.

Thanks again and enjoy your new logo!
11 years ago
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