Hi Mare,
Thank you for the new submissions. I definetly think you've understood the general concept we were going after for the mark. Indeed most of the submissions we've ranked thus far have only been typographical mark, but that is only becuase none of the graphic mark concepts have been what we wanted.
For entry #99: I like the organic nature of the shape and you have clearly done your research which we really appreciate. I think for this particular composition the mark overpowers the name and does not allow the name and mark to feel like they are part of the same logo. They feel like they very seperate from either other. In looking at this shape I wonder how it might look as a sphere, rather than just a flat surface. Would give the shape a more fisheye look.
Entry #100: There is something I really like about how the graphical mark/spehere looks and feels. Perhaps you could experiment with the shape of the opening rather than being a circle. Right now it feels a bit too much like an Olive. Maybe it's just the color that is making be think that. Definetly see some potential here. I don't really like the typeface or the line that connects all of the letter. I don't think that really works for me.
Entry #101: I like the shape of the individual elements that make up the mark, but I don't like the current arrangement. Perhaps try something different here. I think it looks too much like a flower/catepillar/butterfly right now. :)
One other small note. I know this is easily fixed, but please avoid the color purple in your compositions. It's the one color from our brief that we do not like.
Great progress and definetly lookign forward to seeing how you develop this further.
Entry #