Hi again,
Wow, all sorts of options this time.
Entry #113 - #115: I don't know if this works as well as the GUBA logo does. I think entry #123 looks better as the lines are not so jagged, although I still prefer the original CG font.
There was an idea I was thinking about yesterday, but maybe you can figure out how to bring the architecture component into it. In computer graphics there is a very iconic mark that everyone knows about. It's the Utah Teapot.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_teapot The top grey image is used a lot for render tests as it is a 3d primative that is default in 3ds Max, which most people use in our industry. Maybe this teapot could be created to look like the "getwired" logo from the PDF. Then maybe the 3d compass could still be used. If everything else was white, but the teapot was colored wires like the "getwired" logo? My only conern is if this is going to look too busy. What do you think? Do you think you could pull this off and have it look right? The other element that I thought could be tried is a twisting organic tower (
http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&rlz=1T4GGLL_enCA337&um=1&q=twisting+organic+tower&sa=N&start=0&ndsp=20) I don't know if it's possible to create something simplistic enough that would still look like a tower and not appear as an "I" in the logo like the blueprints did.
Entry #117: I don't think this one really works for me.
Entry #118: I like the sketch feel of the CG in this one. Feels like this one might need some color to make it pop. Similar to the contrast of while and color of the "getwired" logo.
Entry #122: :) I get your thinking but I think it might be too much of a stretch to make that connection. I think the same could also be said with the ant concept. I like your out of the box thinking though. I'm open to those ideas, but just keep in mind we still need to tie it back to the computer graphics and architecture element.