BWMA - Biweekly Mortgage AssociationLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / BWMA - Biweekly Mortgage Association

BWMA - Biweekly Mortgage Association has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 320 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Designer
Hi sir
i am sending the corrected version according your comments on the first page.
(just when you click the design, You can send personal comments to direct designers)
I hope you will liek this designs.

(This comment references Entry #14)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Sir
according your comments, i am sending new creation for your kind perusal,
Khaleel chemnad

(This comment references Entry #29)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
hi sir,
according your comment, i am sending new corrected some designs. i hope you will like this design.
if you click each design, then you can give comments for particular designers. that comments we will get in the mail. thanks sir.
Yours Truly.

(This comment references Entry #51)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Sir,
Good day
According your messages, Corrected designs are sending here. I saw that building shadow from 'mail2ranees's entry, We cant use that, because that is stock picture, He use that stock picture to create logo, if any Moderator saw that, they will delete that entry. I give shadow also here in another way.
I will send two type design here, please you can send any comments sir.
Yours Truly

(This comment references Entry #77)
15 years ago
#77 - Remove the building. put in an outline of a house, all black, with the letter "e" inside, color the letter gold. Keep the BWMA inside the circle. Around the circle, don't put the company name. Put this sentence around the circle instead, "Trusted by homeowners since 1984." Now put the name of the company "Biweekly Mortgage Association" on the side of the emblem, similar to #76.
Then do one more version, only put the name of the company underneath the emblem.

#29 - Just so you know, we are keeping this one up there because it is a good reference for us. But the idea of the house and people standing will not be kept for our logo.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi sir, Good day
According your comments, i corrected the design here, then i did some new options also.
I hope you will like this.
Yours truly

(This comment references Entry #98)
15 years ago
These have all been good ideas. On this one, take away the building, and center the map of the USA. Then look at the notes on the page about the circle wording I put on the main page. Thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi sir Good day,
You particularly invite me to do that round seal type logo, bellicose that is my concept very far here, i did that all the changes according your comments still now, then lots of designers start to copy my concept, i didn't complaint them, then one designer who use the stock image, he did an LC against other designer.
If you dont like my design, please tell me. i dont want a LC again.
because i really feel that they are really copy me.

(This comment references Entry #169)
15 years ago
#178 is very good. I want you to make the BWMA lettering more solid, WITHOUT the color fading or changing in the letters.
#169 and #172 - I also need to have a more SOLID coloring in the letters for BWMA. Then bring the BWMA up to the center and make it much bigger so that it fills the globe and stands out - just like #178. Then you need to give a little more detail for the continent of USA on the globe in #172 - just like you have done in #169.
15 years ago
#169 & #172 - I want you to make the color on the outside rim of the circles to be a solid color only, maybe of gold, not red.
Please make these changes and the ones I gave you in the last comments as soon as possible, if you want to win.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi sir,
Sorry sir,
i did all the corrdctions, and start to send the entries,
same time i got your message again

(This comment references Entry #180)
15 years ago
#181 - The color for BWMA text is not right. #180 - Color is too dark for BWMA text on this one. Try white with a small border of blue. You are getting closer.
15 years ago
#183 & #184 - Red will not work for the font. Maybe gold. Always a blue background.
15 years ago
#186 - there you go, that's it. Now get to finishing #169 & #172 and you might get it. Good job.
15 years ago
#187 - Nope, bad color. Maybe try white with a small border? Or gold.
15 years ago
#188 - Nope, forget the house, stick with just the USA on blue background.
15 years ago
Okay, #195 is probably the better of these two. Now you only need to work on the outside rim of the circle. The color needs to be one solid color all around on the OUTSIDE of the circle only. You could leave the inside of the rim the same as it is now with the multi-colors. But the outside rim must be one solid color or the circle looks bad from a distance. You could try the yellow color or gold. Red might not work but try it and see.
15 years ago
See, you didn't have to worry in the 1st place and then cause such a problem. Here you are at the #1 position! All of that trouble you caused with X-ray was silly, but it cost my company and myself a lot more time and headaches. Next time, don't worry about everyone else...they are supposed to see your ideas and use them IF THEY CAN. Right? That is the purpose of this website, remember?

Okay, now here is the last thing you need to do: Replace the font for all of the text going around the circle, "Biweekly Mortgage Association" and "Trusted Since 1984". Look at some of these entries to see the font style we want you to use: #123, #108, and #246. The color is fine, just change the font style.

Okay? Good job!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Sir, Thanks
I am sending the corrected version here,
actually i was sleeping when you send the messages, i involved one project here in Dubai, we finish that morning after 5am. Then went to sleep. sorry.. now i can do any changes.

i am sending that all design that with font style.
Yours Truly

(This comment references Entry #313)
15 years ago
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