Aspire! Empower!Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aspire! Empower!

Aspire! Empower! has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 324 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.
































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Hey Mare,
Sorry that I wasn't clear. Can you make the graphic smaller, split up the words aspire and empower and put the graphic in the middle. That way, the words below won't be so small.
Also, can you try to make the balls all black, and the same size (make the big ones smaller)? :)
Thank you!
Laura :) :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #268)
14 years ago
Hey Mare,

Thanks for your submissions.

Idea 1: #268 is interesting, but I'm not sure I like it with the words on the right...Can you try removing the leg that is closest to the words at the bottom? And, then add another couple spokes elsewhere? That way there will be more room for the words on the right. But, can you bring them closer to the Aspire! Empower?

Idea #2: Another approach would be to capitalize ASPIRE! EMPOWER!, then make the words at the bottom LONGER so they go all the way across the bottom?

Basically there are two things. I love this idea, and just need to find the right placement of words. Also, I think I'd prefer is the round balls were something other than YELLOW. Black or silver would be fine, and if you could add a few more spokes that would be great. :)

Hope this makes sense...I'm typing fast. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
sure - in just a while
14 years ago
Logo Designer
REVISED Entry #269 Entry #270 Entry #271

tag line is best on the right in #269 since the word empower is bigger, so more space for the tagline underneath - i will also post one on the right next
14 years ago
#271 really like this one! I love how you've sliced the network through the words at the bottom....definitely much closer to what I want.

Ok, now keeping everything the same, can you just try a few different uppercase fonts for Aspire! Empower? And I don't think I'm liking the way the letters look...i was thinking a different sort of embossing....just try a few different ways, but keep the rest the same! :)
14 years ago
One more thought! Could you do it like this?

Resumes I Career Strategy I Networking

But, instead of using the I in between, put the balls there? I know that for the one after career strategy, it might be a bit long...but the balls would look like super cool separators!!
14 years ago
I'm getting so excited about the possibility of using the dots as the word separators...if you need to drop the lines to them, and only use the bullets, it may still look cool. Just a thought. Thank you so much! :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
a different effect on the text

(This comment references Entry #273)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
different font for the text - no effect

(This comment references Entry #274)
14 years ago
#273 not quite...I would switch resumes and career strategy and use the BALLs of the network graphic as the separators...they will need to be a bit bigger than they are now...which would mean there would be NO balls below...hope that makes sense...

14 years ago
Logo Designer
another font

(This comment references Entry #275)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
no shpers for the tage line but only one from the graphic to seperate resumes and career strategy ? there are two sphers for the tagline ? can you clarify ?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
is this what you wanted ? did i get it right .. and what about the font - which one do you like . you can visit and check the san serif font and tell me whihc one you may like - hope that helps

(This comment references Entry #276)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
just to show the text effect clearly

(This comment references Entry #279)
14 years ago
#277 is interesting...don't love the font, but I like the shadow. Not where it is though...can you try it with the words below? I'm sorry that I'm so picky about everything, but I want you to know how much I appreciate your fast response, and kind demeanor. :)

Thank you :)
14 years ago
Oooh...maybe also try the ball in yellow for a little variance?

Do you want for me to find uppercase fonts that I like?

14 years ago
All of these fonts are JUST for ASPIRE...with another simpler, san-serif font for empower. You'll notice that these all have a lower case i....which I know now that I like.

Nevision Casual
I kind of dig Coctail Shaker
P22 Sweepy

as for Empower, I just don't want anything that looks too modern... maybe Seravek (seems attractive). I don't like ROUND W's or square O's. Nothing too contemporary.

Thanks so much!!!!
14 years ago
Might you also be willing to try something with this kind of a swirl instead of the network you have, with little balls (very small) on a few of the lines (sort of like a network/web). Check out the connected swirly lines....

14 years ago
Sorry for all of my messages (I hope you get all of them!)....but, I was thinking...when you do the logo with the swirl, perhaps it can be in a watermark behind and through the letters...I like it horizontal rather than vertical, so I know this may be the only way to do it....

Hope you got a great days sleep! :)
14 years ago

I've been researching as you've suggested about CAPS and shouting!'s so true.

I think one way to get a lower case Aspire! Empower! is going to be doing the logo like the one I sent you IvyExec. If we do Aspire! Empower! in lower, and you use the graphic above the i in aspire....then you should have quite a bit of room up top to do the rest of the logo (Career Strategy, etc.). Expecially if the whirlwind or networking logo sort of curves up and to the left a bit like the ivy exec logo. Can we try with the words up top?

Thank you so much!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
smaller blue sphere and smaller arms

(This comment references Entry #282)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
new fonts for both aspire and empower ( the ones you had referred ) in all caps

(This comment references Entry #283)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
new fonts for both aspire and empower ( the ones you had referred ) in lower case
Does this solve the tagline and the lower case P's !? and need i take the slogan up ?

(This comment references Entry #284)
14 years ago
Thank you for your submissions!

Ok, here are my thoughts:

#283 is definitely in first... I like how it is centered! I like the font for Empower! I like Coctail Shaker, but I don't like the i in the word Aspire. Perhaps you could try changing the i to a lower case i (may be another font but that's ok) so I can see if it still looks like it is shouting? Maybe even doing a lower case E as well? Just a thought. I'm trying to get around the fact that when we do aspire in lowercase, the P juts out and throws the centering off (and I do like it centered!)

#292 - the design doesn't work unless the ovals are EXACT....these are sort of random circles; so unless you can do perfect ovals, let's not go with this graphic.

As for the other networking graphic. It's not exactly what I want yet... My thought is that it looks for outer space and not networking. Can you take another look at that one I showed you (Bright Fuse) on my earlier email. Maybe it's just making it all black and moving them around so there is one exactly on top and on bottom... not sure. And, making the ball in the middle smaller still.

Let's do this... I LOVE the way #283 looks, so let's do all designs around this format. We can play with the letters in aspire to make it look less shouty, but I like the way it looks. I would like perhaps a different graphic(only slightly), but placement of the new graphic can remain the same.....overall I really like the way this looks!

Also, is there a way to add back some yellow into it? Maybe with the separator balls below?
14 years ago
Hey Mare,

I see what you are saying about the i and e. Nope...that doesn't look good because of the additional space. Can you try one or two of the other fonts I gave you?

On another note, I'm still not in love with the graphic you have above the letters. Here's an idea. Maybe we can go back to using the graphic that is in #273 -- slicing it through the letters, but using the bullets between the words as the bullets on the bottom of the spokes. If you have to MOVE the words around, go for it. For example...if you need to say: Resumes * Career Strategy * Networking, that's fine. But, I still want to make sure that the letters at the bottom are, if you have to pull the one spoke out a bit further to the right to accomplish this, no problem.

Can you make the legs of the spokes black, keep all the spoke balls yellow and the middle ball black as well. Also, if you can make the ball in the middle smaller, and the balls all the yellow color (all the same as the ones separating the words...)

Hope that makes sense!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I havnt got the other fonts you had mentioned - mabe be i can try that if i can lay hands on it - but i do have plenty of handwrittin fonts to try. @273 the tag is as is is centered, if am right - other changes you have mentioned will come in just a while
14 years ago

Change of plans...
I've decided that I'm just going to do a TEXT logo. Like this...

I'm too picky and honestly I think that this will be easier and faster to finalize.

Now we just need to get the font on the words right.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
just consider the graphic and the font variation can be sorted out next ... wat say

(This comment references Entry #295)
14 years ago
Ok, before I throw in the towel. What about something super simple like people?
14 years ago

You know what, I just want this to end. Can you try to send me a bunch of designs with NO graphic and different fonts for Aspire (in lower case). What about the font "Always"

I'm ready to finish this...please just do it without a graphic...and just perhaps a few options for aspire and then I'll select you.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
font always - gota search or look up - both words in lower case ? and handwritten fonts like Cocktail or a san serif font ?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi just gimme a few minutes - will do as many
14 years ago
Logo Designer
with the requested font

(This comment references Entry #300)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
oops i missed the tagline in Entry #304 ... just noticed
14 years ago

Wow...these look sooo cool. I like #305 with the outline all the way around just slightly more. :)

Here's are two challenges...

1. The box should be a pure rectangle, because having it look like walls doesn't make sense for my business...

2. I have to have the words at the bottom or noone will know what I do (aspire! empower! is pretty generic). So, here's my thought. Instead of splitting the colors (fonts and background) b/w the box on left and box on right...can you split it up and make two rectangles by slicing it between the words on top and bottom?

Also, I would say that the aspire empower would be a larger rectangle and the lower sentence (Career Strategy, etc.) would be a more narrow/thinner rectangle. Hope that makes sense....

So, what do you think? Do you think it's cool?

14 years ago
Logo Designer
alright hang on - i hope i got what you are saying - will upload the changes in just a while
14 years ago
Ok, yeah, I don't really like Servek on the Aspire! I'll have to figure something else out for that word...

But for now, let's work with #397

Can you do the top words all in WHITE lettering?
and, the bottom ones in the color of Empower?
And, if you can do a version where you don't split them into two different boxes, but keep them as one and only change the in 305.

Thanks! :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
with the new font for the tagline ( the font is thin so i had to reverse the color ) so it shows up better on a darker blue

(This comment references Entry #309)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
the other font for the tagline

(This comment references Entry #310)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
given you more options - i personally like Entry #312
14 years ago

Ok, I love #312! I just want to take a little while to find an upper case font that is fancy that I like and can read (the i in Coctail Shaker is throwing me off).

When I find it, I'll have you do the dot on the i as the star, and move the star on the right closer to the O or maybe even replace the o.

Otherwise, it is EXACTLY what I want! Please hold off on doing any more designing until I've had a chance to look at fonts! I really love it and think it is going to be awesome! :)


14 years ago
Here's the only one I sort of like...not sure how good it will look since it is outlined... :)

I'll check out others later. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
revised - with the requested font

(This comment references Entry #315)
14 years ago

I just got back from being with my family; thank you for your patience!

RE: #312; I just checked and it looks like it's easy to change just the I in ASPIRE to ASPiRE (lower case i, but still in Coctail Shaker font).

Also, can you just try Both words in Coctail Shaker? But, try to do a lower case O in Empower (like EMPoWER)? I just really like Coctail Shaker font and I wanted to see if it looks good in both key words.

Also, it looks like you have two different looking stars in there...can you make them both the same (I prefer the one on the right) and move the one on the right a litle bit to the left...maybe closer to the M or P of Empower.

Last thing...the way you outlined #305 I like more than #312. Maybe it doesn't go out quite as far?


14 years ago
Hi again...I'm actually heading to sleep now, and I'll be up again in about 8 hours. I'll check on your updates when I wake up! :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
sure all updates will be in place before your next login -thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #317 - not sure if you wanted the O and I like that is lower case - if you want it the same size as the rest - then i will have to custom design the letters O and i - and i did exactly that with the i in one of the entry before but you didnt like = just let me know your thoughts
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #319)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
box shadow variation

(This comment references Entry #324)
14 years ago
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