Aspire! Empower!Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aspire! Empower!

Aspire! Empower! has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 324 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.
































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WOW!!! Where did you come from!? :-) I love your logo! Awesome....

I love the fonts - so no changes needed there!
Can you make the Career Coaching Group BLACK, so it's easier to see?

And I absolutely love the kite idea! I'd prefer the kite to be in a different color...maybe peach? or coral, and a bit less orange?
Can you make the kite slightly smaller (not the string, just the diamond part)? I like it but feel that it sort of overpowers the rest of the logo.

I am sooo impressed! Thank you for entering!!


14 years ago

I had another thought (in addition to my other ones above). Could you maybe try this?
What is you didn't dot the i (in aspire) and started the diamond as the dot on the i? You could still keep the string (which I love). Just a thought. Hope I'm explaining myself well...

I'm so excited to entered. :)

14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there
Thanks for the wonderful feedback - i have uploaded the changes you had asked for.

Your comments just above, if best understood is any close to the Entry #99 ? or have i misunderstood - do let me know - btw if you have a specific color you want do mention the color code for the kite - i am available for as many changes - thanks again; you just flattered me !
14 years ago
Thank you so much!

#99 - yes, that's exactly what I was talking about! Except, now the kite is a bit too small. :) Can you keep the same placement, but make it about the same size as #98? And, if you can LIFT it up off of the s and p a bit, so it's not so close to the letters, that would be great! I prefer the placement of the string in the first one you submitted, but just put the kite over the I like #99.

Colors....hmm...color code? I'm not sure what that is. But, if this is what you suggested..?

I would say that it's closer to FF6666

Thank you!!! :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
revised Entry #103 and Entry #102 with color FF6666 or PANTONE 178 CVC ( looks a little darker to me - please remember that red hues / shade appear a little different on LT ( as my understanding goes due to upload compression ) i used an eyedropper tool to pick that color - you can specify PANTONE code for an exact match - color matching of you liking should not be any issue can be altered easily anytime,

And the placement of the string is about exactly the same as in #98 - once you are fine with the placement of the string and the kite size - i will upload as many shades or color and other fonts too.

Please remember am based in India and our time zone are different so i may not reply as soon as you post any comments - i am giving your contest as most priority - thanks in advance for any feedback
14 years ago
Logo Designer
different slogan typeface

(This comment references Entry #104)
14 years ago
Hi there! No need to play with the fonts...I love them as is!

I love the kite size on #102 the most! And placement as well. I would like to just see the kite slightly bigger, but keep it (and the string) exactly where it is in #102. I like how you've centered the i under it. Looks great.

Also, can you bold both aspire and empower? and then do Career Coaching Group is a dark silver? Sort of like the logo you did for Inside Out (which I love!)? Just curious how that would look.

Thank you so much!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
aspire is bolder now - tagline in silver 0 empower is in bold too - if its too strong i can lessen it - but i need to install a font - will do that in just a while for some variations so you can best decide

also kite is bigger though marginally - old #102 new #106

(This comment references Entry #106)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #107 slogan in the same font as in Inside out logo you referred above and the word empower now slightly less bold

you can see the difference here #102 #106 #107
14 years ago
#102 - Thanks for your modifications! Let's try again...

Can you start back at #102 and simply bold the Aspire and the Empower, while keeping everything else the SAME?

Then, without moving the string, can you make the diamond of the kite just SLIGHTLY larger?

Can you then take the Career Coaching Group (don't change the FONT) and make it dark silver? I didn't like logo #107 because the Career Coaching Group is in a different font, and also it looks like it's now NOT centered...which is why I'd like to start again with #102.

Thanks!!!! :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
slightly bigger kite with other changes as asked for

(This comment references Entry #110)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
even bigger a kite than the previous entry# with the other chages

(This comment references Entry #111)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
similar to #111 but the separator in the diamond more distinct - making the 4 parts of the kite clearer

(This comment references Entry #112)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
aiming the sky ...

(This comment references Entry #115)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
reaching out to the stars

(This comment references Entry #116)
14 years ago
Mare - I would definitely stick with the kite option; I really love it. The more I look at it, the more I like the kite bigger (like it #95). Can you make #110 bigger still, but keep the placement of the kite like it is in 110. Thank yoiu!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback - just read you message - wasnt at my desk - will upload the changes soon
14 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry for the delay - here it comes

(This comment references Entry #145)
14 years ago
#145 really like it. I was trying to figure out what was off for me, and it's actually the shape of the kite. Can you make it more like this? It typically isn't a true diamond shape. Here are a few photos:

I know this is going to sound strange, but is there a place where we could put a shadow? I really love the look of an image and it's shadow? Thanks!!!!!!! We're getting there!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback - again sorry although i was logged in - i just read your comments - will upload the changes in just a while - sorry weekend time with my niece and sis from US - hence the delay - hope you understand
14 years ago
I completely understand! I appreciate you giving revisions with family in town!!!

Ok, so I'd love YOUR opinion on this. I really don't like the shadow for the kite part, b/c it makes it look like it's grounded (which I hadn't thought about before...sorry). But, I sort of like the one on the string? Do you?

Also, I LOVE the new shape of the kite. Nice work! Now....(pls don't kill me), can we just make it slightly smaller? And, if there's a way to do it, can you lift the whole kite, from the string above the a and across just up slightly so there's a teensy bit of additional space between the word and the kite? But, please try to keep it in the same place (slightly curving down and up around the s and p) but just a bit off the letters. So, basically, I don't want it to be more straight, just lifted, but in the same place. I hope that makes sense....geez I'm a difficult customer! :)

I really love it!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #146 Entry #146 new diamond shape with and with out the shadow
Entry #147 Entry #148 another ( different from #146 ) diamond shape with and with out the shadow

Let me know your thoughts ..
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks - again - well i too thought the shadow does lend charm - but should a soaring kite cast a shadow? but the string shadows is fine with me ( you can think over about it too ) will do the changes - please be assured am available for any number of changes - absolutely no problems ... so keep your comments coming - changes in just a few minutes
14 years ago
Logo Designer
more variations - based on what i best understood -

(This comment references Entry #152)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
top portion of the string has a deeper S curve so it looks more stylized

(This comment references Entry #153)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #154 bottom part of the string is more rounded and neat
14 years ago
Hi there!

I absolutely love #153 and #151, with #153 coming out first but ever so slightly. I still feel like the kite is just slightly too big, but I love where everything else is positioned.

Also, can you try a shadow on the string only?

And, can you tell me (as a professional) if you think the color I've chosen for the kite "goes" well with the blue. If not, can you suggest other colors. I'm open to your suggestions. Thank you for the time you are putting into my project!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks again
will upload the changes in just a while

As far as the color scheme goes - i will only say its a matter of personal taste, and i do not thus believe in color theories ; therefore if i like it thats it - i personally am obsessed with greens and muted earth tones.
But will only ask you to decide about the same - having said that you can at any time change the color, since you will have the editable logo and i will be available to offer my help anytime.

Having that all that - am personally fine with the present color scheme.

I would like to point you to the following sites :

Convert Pantone Colours to RGB :

Convert PMS - CMYK - HEX :

Hope that helps you.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
my color choice based on color theme at

(This comment references Entry #161)
14 years ago
Hi there! Thanks for your submissions! I love them.

Here are a few comments, but I feel like we are getting super close!

1. Kite shape. If you look carefully at 95 and 106, the kite doesn't curve out at all on the sides....and in this photo, it is a straight line on the sides.
If you can keep the size the same, but straighten out the lines on the side, that would be great.

2. Color...I dig the dark blue, but not the green. Can we try the intersection of yellow and orange again (sort of what you had in your very first submission, along with the dark blue? I'm not loving the pink the more I look at it.

3. I like the shadow in 155 the best (very subtle).

14 years ago
Logo Designer
revised - Entry #171 and Entry #170

1) kite lines straightened
2) dark blue text with previous yellow and pink
3) with shadow as in #155

Please let me know if you would like more options - again i am available for any number of changes, so do not hesitate - thanks in advance
14 years ago
170 is very nice! Great work!

I just noticed that Career Coaching Group looks a bit more to the right than to the left. Can you make sure it is centered?

Also, can you try this logo with Career Strategy Group? And, can you try it with a darker silver? I'm not sure that I can see it all that well (it looks a bit faded, or the color is too light...not sure which) :)

Also can you dip the kite ever so slightly above the p (just a bit). Thanks so much!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #176 Entry #177 with only changes in tagline

Entry #178 Entry #179 kite slightly dipped and tagline changes
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #182 - the baby bird aspiring to fly - whilst the mother bird empowers it ... concept suits you ?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
stylized A ( as in Aspire ) as arrow that targets/ reaches the star

(This comment references Entry #194)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Two A's that form a mountain/peak ( at right angled turn looks like E ) - concept aspiring to conquer

(This comment references Entry #195)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
upward arrow in abstraction - where the target is the star - the bulls eye quite literally a star

(This comment references Entry #196)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
road ( blue color ) to success - road is shaped like the letter A - 90 tilt shows the letter E

(This comment references Entry #198)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #217 - like it ? number 1 replacing the letter I and a star above it !? number 1 can signify so many things, peak, best, pinnacle, glory, achievement, success ... and so many .. including hitting the bulls eyes ;)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you - it was nice being in your contest - and good luck
14 years ago
I wanted to say thank you so much for entering. I can't find the kite picture anymore, so I moved your bird one to the 3rd ranked spot. I really loved your kite one, but the target in #1 was just so aligned with what I do. I thing you are incredibly talented, thank you so much :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi there
I pulled the kite out - since i know am not going to win this contest besides am not here for any ranking - i felt quite strongly about withdrawing, i left a few designs otherwise all comments here will get wiped out.

But i appreciate you kindness in wanting to ranked my design, and am happy that you found the right design for your firm. I am constrained to pull out the remaining design - as am sure i dont want ranking points please do not think am being rude, i had never done this before, but am compelled to withdraw from the contest - but again I sincerely appreciate your kindness.- thanks and good luck

ps: you had pre closed the contest even while i was working on your logo with a human as a kite or a kite as a human - but thats still am sure may have felt short of your target
14 years ago
Logo Designer
want my kite back .. ;)
14 years ago
You can rejoin now..I just saw the email that you left on March 19th, but not sure why you don't want ranked points and I was quite confused about where the kite went! I wanted to rank you and was still deciding on the kite! Crazy...but, anyway, you can post now. I've given you a few ideas, and now the competition is OPEN again. It will end in 4 days for sure this time.
14 years ago

Looking good. I'm glad to see one example, because that's all I need to see to know that I don't want it to replace the O. Maybe above the words? I prefer it more centered.

I like the middle of the networking thing (very cool blue) but not the yellow balls.
Maybe thinner black lines, smaller yellow balls (not hollow). Just a few thoughts.

But, I definitely love the networking image!!! Thank you!

14 years ago
Really like the font for Career Strategy I Resumes I Networking...good choice. Maybe a design that allows that to go all the way across the bottom of the design? Thanks!
14 years ago
Could you try to do something also with the Aapire! Empower! emboss them, or shadow them, or make them stand out a bit more. I think I'd love to see one in lower case too (especially if you are using the logo above the words).

Keep the Career Strategy I Resumes I Networking :) Like it.
14 years ago
#264 - Getting better!

Can you try it in lower case, and separate out aspire! empower! so that you can sandwich the words below it between the p's? I hope that makes sense. Then you can put the graphic between the letters?

Also, would love some depth to the letters....not just letters (embossing...etc.).

Thank you for submitting so FAST! I really appreciate it! :)
14 years ago
Hey there! I prefer the balls to not be outlined in black (more like the one in #264) and also don't outline the blue ball in the middle.... And, can you make sure they are all the same size? :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
here it goes - let me know your thoughts

(This comment references Entry #267)
14 years ago
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